Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 533

Chapter 533 Engagement Ceremony (3)

However, the dressing room was silent.

“What’s the matter?”

smile orad DEYI


ked at the remote control in her hand

and pressed it in disbelief. However, nothing happened.

“That’s impossible!” Ryleigh screamed crazily.

“You are so noisy.”

Melissa snorted coldly. She raised her hand and slapped Ryleigh on the face again. She used all her strength and made Ryleigh stagger.

Seeing this, Murray held Melissa’s hand and looked at her palm. Then, he reached out and rubbed her red fingertips.

“She’s so hard. It hurts so much.” Melissa pouted and acted like a spoiled child. Murray immediately pulled her into his arms.

“You don’t need to slap her in person.” Murray gently said as he pinched Melissa’s fingertips and kissed her gently.

Ryleigh, who was on the ground, was holding her cheek, looking at the remote control in disbelief and constantly muttering, “Impossible.”

All of a sudden, Ryleigh raised her head and saw Melissa looking down at her with a smile.

“How is this possible? How is this possible?” Ryleigh trembled slightly, her face full of disbelief.


Sebastian gave her the most advanced bombs. How could there be no reaction at all?

“Otherwise, how could you sneak in and even find my dressing room?” Melissa’s words gave Ryleigh a heavy blow.

to deal

Get Bonus


tricked me!” Ryleigh’s eyes widened, and

out her hands and

got up from the ground, wanting

Murray tilted his head and


You bitch! I curse you! You will die a


still unwilling and cursed Melissa loudly.

relief and thought, finally,

glanced at

was at the side, was scared by what happened

and stepped forward.

hair hanging loosely on her chest, Melissa shook her head at Fiona. “Leave it at

cause much of an effect. The

the morning, the engagement

all the guests in the banquet hall

Get Bonus

Murray’s arm

the envious eyes of the

great.” Marc, who was sitting at

is my granddaughter!” Enoch nodded, his face full of pride. “She is smart

has good taste.” Marc

Melissa, Enoch couldn’t help but say,

at Enoch. Then, they started to argue about this



into Enoch’s arms and

even thought that you had forgotten me.” Enoch lovingly stroked Melissa’s head, his face full

how can you say that? I am going

won’t say it anymore.” Enoch touched Melissa’s forehead and smiled. He then turned

nodded politely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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