Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 541

Chapter 541 Encounter a Tornado

At that, everyone looked outside. Melissa saw something faint not far away.

Just then, the sky quickly darkened. And the wind from the sea was a bit stronger than before. Melissa blinked and heard muffled thunder.

It was a tornado!

Melissa came to a realization. She remembered the sky had darkened in the afternoon and the clouds had been so heavy.

For a moment, Melissa regretted not checking the weather report before she went out.

To be more precise, today was an unlucky day for her. Otherwise, she would not be so unlucky now. Melissa didn’t expect that she would be right and would have an accident every time she was at sea.

Just at that moment, the loudspeaker on the cruise liner sounded. Everyone was asked to enter the cabin to take refuge.

The three of them didn’t dare to waste time and hurriedly entered the cabin.

Many people gathered in the cabin. All of them looked worried. And some even began to complain.

The thunder outside sounded. And the sound of the rain hitting the deck gradually became clear. Melissa was somewhat worried. She leaned in Murray’s arms and said nothing.

Murray appeared cold. No one had expected the accident. Moreover, any communication devices could not be used due to the tornado. They had no other way but to wait here.

The hull began to sway slightly. And the sound from the loudspeaker on the cruise liner began to be intermittent. Both indicated that a tornado was coming.

The people on the liner became restless. And the complaints grew louder.

“Help! Let me out! I want to get out of here!’

“How did I encounter such a thing? I’m so unlucky.”

“I won’t die, right? What should I do?”

Get Bonus

don’t want to die! I’m young! I can’t

cabin. Melissa held Murray’s hand. But

Murray and she had almost died after they fell off

Melissa thought about the scene now, she was a little scared. But

Melissa was serious as

and comforted her, “Don’t worry. With me


here, Melissa would not

hull swayed, he stabilized himself and turned to look at Melissa. “Melissa, I will protect

may be so nervous that she did not notice Demetrius’s

thing. But what scared him was that he couldn’t swim. Once the cruise

life jackets to each

don’t want to die here!” One woman

someone to protect me! Take me out

hurt by the woman’s grip. But he bore the pain and comforted that woman, “Madam,

Don’t you have lifeboats on the liner? Let me leave immediately!” the woman shouted. And her hysteria moved many people next to

pale. He

that woman was aggressive and would almost even break

from the noise. Melissa stepped forward and grabbed that woman by

up!” Melissa

was startled. But she turned confident

noise, I will force you

wait for death here. Give me a lifeboat. I

cruise liner or your lifeboat will be overturned

and calmly said, “The door is

the woman trembled and seemed to want to argue with Melissa. Seeing this, Melissa sneered and directly grabbed the woman’s hair, dragging her to the


out?” Melissa pressed that woman’s face against the glass, forcing her to

and trembled so

around the others. “Does anyone else want to

Get Bcous

all the restless people

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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