Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 542

Chapter 542 I Will Be With You

Hearing this, Demetrius wore a peculiar expression. His pupils trembled slightly, and then he reached out to push Murray’s hand away.

“What are you doing? I don’t need it.”

Even so, Demetrius still had his pride and dignity and gritted his teeth to refuse.

Murray did not say anything, but he took a step forward to approach Demetrius, which gave Demetrius a fright.

“I already said that I don’t need it. I can…”

However, before Demetrius could finish his words, Murray grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to the side.

Murray did not loosen his grip. If he had not let go in time, Demetrius would have thought that Murray was going to strangle him.

“Murray, what are you trying to do!”

This series of actions made Demetrius confused, and the shaking of the ship made it difficult for him to stand firm.

“Since you want to die, don’t get on the lifeboat. It will save you the trouble of others after you fall,” Murray would not say anything polite, and he was not even interested in such a trivial matter.

It was only because of Melissa.


Demetrius was dissed by Murray and was very unhappy. He still wanted to struggle, but Murray was a step faster. Murray directly pressed his shoulder and forcibly put on the life jacket,

Murray did not show any mercy. Demetrius was already feeling a little uncomfortable because of the swaying under his feet. Now that he was strangled by the life jacket, he almost could not breathe.

Demetrius raised his head and glared at Murray, but in the end, he turned around and returned to Melissa’s side, not even bothering to give him a glance.

Get Bus

Demetrius became a little awkward. He shouted towards Murray, “Murray, what are you going to do?”

get a reply from Murray and was directly brought to the lifeboat by

turned his head and looked worriedly at Melissa, who was still on the deck. He then looked at Murray, who was beside

happens to her, I will not spare

held Murray’s hand tightly. Although she knew that Murray was good at swimming, in such a

most of his body blocked the rain for her, “It’s fine. I’ve encountered even

of life-and-death situations he had gone through

at Murray’s tightly pursed lips, Melissa suddenly felt a faint sadness in her heart. She touched Murray’s cheek and whispered, “You have me

waist. Compared to the panic of others, Melissa

to board the lifeboat. Although the tornado

churned up and down,

her head, she found that the cruise ship had already begun to

“Waves! Coming!”



Get Bonus

on the lifeboat were flustered, and even the crew were somewhat panicked, whose arms that

bow of the ship face the wave. Don’t face the wave from the

on one of the crew’s arms and reached out to help him row the boat, straightening the slightly slanted ship

seeing the wave coming, Melissa, who was

wave followed, and Melissa was also afraid. At that

sound, there seemed to be something exploding in her ears. Melissa only felt that the earth was spinning, and the frigid sea water was hitting her

of the water and coughed out a mouthful of water. She turned around and saw that the surroundings

on the sea.

they were very close to the original cruise

found a floating board and put her upper body on

the leisure to care about these things. She looked around and tried to

Murray did not wear the life jacket,

the surface of the sea. She tried to find the lifeboat, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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