Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 560

Chapter 560 How Much Have You Drunk?

In an instant, Melissa was surrounded by journalists. If Murray hadn‘t sent people to protect Melissa, Melissa would have been pushed to the ground.

“Ms. Eugen, do you have any explanation for the recent incident with Vivian?”

“Will Star Entertainment interfere with the private lives of its entertainers?”

“Are those things on the Internet true? Can you answer the questions?”

Melissa compressed her lips, and her eyes couldn‘t help but narrow slightly from the flashing lights.

Only when the voices quieted down did Melissa raise her eyes, and her voice was calm.

“Our company has already made an announcement before, so please don‘t pay too much attention to the private life of our entertainers. The youthful school drama starring Vivian and Jaylin is about to be released. Please look forward to


Then, Melissa ignored the other questions. Moreover, she had already contacted the staff of the company in advance. They had come out to welcome Melissa and blocked the journalists outside.

At that moment, Melissa‘s phone rang. She looked down and saw that it was


“What‘s wrong?” For some reason, Melissa had a bad premonition in her heart, and her brows furrowed slightly.

“Vivian is missing! She didn‘t come to the set today. I called her and sent her a message, but she didn‘t reply to me.”

The place where Renita was was also a bit noisy, but there was no way to hide her voice full of urgency.

“When did you see Vivian yesterday? Where?”

Hearing this, Renita paused and walked to a quiet place. She continued, “I didn‘t see her yesterday. The last person who saw her should be Jaylin. It was yesterday‘s news.”

“Where are you now?” Melissa gestured to the assistant beside her. The assistant nodded and ran to the company.

“I am rushing to Vivian‘s apartment. I didn‘t know she wasn‘t here.”

“Alright, I‘ll be there in a while,” Melissa responded and entered the company.

At that time, Jaylin followed the assistant out of the elevator. When he saw Melissa, his eyes flickered slightly.

matter?” Jaylin was called out just now, and when he heard that it was Melissa, he, who

didn‘t go to the set today?” Melissa

spoke, he raised his head and saw the fans surrounding the company. He could

Why are there so

was shocked, but he

saw Vivian yesterday, right?” Melissa started walking, indicating

Jaylin was a little

to the set today. Renita contacted me

not help but be a

had been kidnapped before.

contact her yesterday,” Jaylin said with a cold expression,

take a look

her heart. Although Vivian had only been an actor for a short period, she was very professional.

two of them went to the underground parking lot. Melissa took the car

Star Entertainment was very close to Vivian‘s apartment, and Melissa and the others arrived at

Vivian‘s apartment. She pressed the doorbell first and opened the door when no one


clean, and there were no traces of forced entry.

could this be...” Renita‘s

and wondered if Vivian got kidnapped again like


Just as Renita was asking this, her cell phone suddenly rang. It

delighted and quickly

are you now? Why don‘t you pick up

on Line?

end. After a moment of

“Who are you...”

How Much Have

looked at Melissa and the latter gestured for her to pass

voice, it did not sound like she had been kidnapped. Perhaps she was

softly, and a rustling sound came from the other side

were standing in Vivian‘s apartment suddenly froze, while they looked

now. She has a house, and now she

that Vivian was not kidnapped, Melissa also breathed a


to look at Jaylin, who was beside

I‘ll go with you, just in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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