Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 561

Chapter 561 He is still in a Coma

“What did you say?”

Melissa was confused. Lookinyl Vivian‘s expression, she couldn‘t help but ask

Vivian hung her head low, with decadent sentimente, der eyes were red and her voice was hoarse,

“Does he have a headache like this? I really hurts, Melissa, why do I feel so


Vivian seemed to want to reach out and hug, Melissa, but in the end, she shook off Melissa‘s wrist and sat back on the sola.

Melissa‘s eyes Clickered. She seemed to understand what Vivian meant,

Melissa turned to look at Jaylin and Vivian‘s manager at the door. Just as Melissa was about to say something, Jaylin already understood her meaning and turned to say something to the manager.

The manager looked at Vivian. He could only sigh and then left with Jaylin,

“I‘ll wait for you downstairs,” Jaylin said to Melissa,

Melissa nodded and turned to look at Vivian again.

Vivian stared at the closed door and smiled bitterly.

“So gentle,”

Melissa sat beside Vivian and looked at the time on her phone. “Is it Arno?”

Vivian did not answer. She looked at the bottle on the table and remained silent

“Have you gone to see Amo? How is he now?”

Although Melissa saw Arno have an accident on the news, she did not pay too much attention to it. She just made guesses according to Vivian‘s condition.

“I went to see him. He is still in a coma.” Vivian stammered.

do you

with her arms crossed and her scrutinizing gaze fell on

for a moment and continued with some displeasure. “Don‘t tell

stiffened as if Melissa

instantly became strange, “Vivian,

could finish speaking, Vivian suddenly threw herself . into her arms

person? If

Vivian only felt that her eyes were

do you mean?” Melissa suddenly felt that the information in Vivian‘s words was too

comforted her, “What happened between you

Melissa felt something was about to

“I lied to him.”

sniffed, with a

*I don‘t like him.”

together for a long time, right? Vivian,

disbelief. She had always thought that Vivian and Amo were in love. Therefore, she didn‘t

know. Why did I agree to be

covered her face. Her thin shoulders were trembling, looking fragile

I like Jaylin. I liked

was surprised, but at the same time, she

why Vivian looked

displeased expression. “So you choose to be Arno‘s girlfriend

Vivian nodded softly.

him?” Although Melissa did not know when Vivian fell in love with

back to that confession, Vivian was no longer angry and

he only treated me

gaze away

is already someone

you would do this.

He is

didn‘t know how to answer, with her hands unconsciously

I hurt

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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