Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 562

Chapter 562 He Loves You Very Much

“L...” Vivian shook her head and looked at Melissa at a loss,

For a moment, tears welled up in her eyes,

Melissa frowned. She didn‘t know why Vivian cried again.

“But his mother told me to stay away from him...” Vivian muttered.

The scene in the hospital was vivid in Vivian‘s mind. Thus she suddenly became timid again.

“Did Arno personally tell you this?” Melissa was kind of tired. She didn‘t know that love could be this complicated in the past.

“If he said it himself and wanted to cut off all ties with you, then you don‘t have to contact him, but if not...”

Melissa pressed Vivian‘s shoulder and said seriously.

“I‘ve only met Arno once, but I can see that he loves you very much.”

“He loves you very much.”

This sentence touched Vivian. For a moment, all the memories about Arno emerged in her mind.

“Vivian, I love you.”

“As long as it has something to do with you, I will care.”

“I will wait for the day that you truly fall in love with me.”

Vivian grinned. She finally knew that she was stupid not to accept Arno‘s passionate love but to chase someone out of reach.

Vivian figured out that her love for Arno did not come from guilt. She had already gotten used to Arno in her life bit by bit. She just didn‘t dare to think

about it.

Vivian stood up, her hands hanging by her side tightly clenched.

“Thank you, Melissa.”

look at Melissa, Vivian bit her lower lip. She decided to ask Arno, no

smile appeared on Melissa‘s face. However, after hearing what Vivian said, she also felt a little strange in her

matter was really

to find Arno.” Vivian made up her

was standing in front of her, suddenly ran to

and her mood was rising

bottles on the ground, with displeasure

with a pale face. When she saw Melissa‘s expression, she

see Arno like this?” Melissa glanced at

will pack it

attention to yourself.” Melissa shook her head. “I‘ll give you a few days

this, Vivian was surprised, but the next second, she felt

Chapter 562

Love You Very Much

“I‘m sorry, Melissa,”

Vivian, this is the last time. If you dare to be absent from work again, the

a second ago, turned into the serious Ms. Eugen in

promise that I will work hard in the future. I won‘t fail to

you want to say to Arno? Think about it carefully.” Melissa pointed at

him to forgive me. I want to apologize to him for my childishness.”

done with this matter. The discussions about you online are too intense now. The company

at that time. Fortunately, it was not out of control. She believed that Vivian could handle the

the company in trouble. I will make a


more and turned to

still waiting. When they

it? What

shook her head. She paused for a moment

162 Hmloves you very

opinion on the Internet recently.

interfere with the private problems of their

thought of Vivian‘s recent

her rest for a few days to adjust her mentality. I will communicate with the

Melissa spoke, her gaze turned to Jaylin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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