Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 580

Chapter 580 I‘m Not Afraid of Murray

It seemed that the screech was too irritating to the ear, it attracted the security guard of the parking lot.

When the driver saw this, he turned the car around and wanted to escape the scene. Vivian ran to Arno with a shocked expression on her face.

“Arno! How are you feeling?”

Kneeling in front of Arno, Vivian was crying. She reached out and pressed Arno‘s arm.

Arno held the back of his head and stood up. He shook his head at Vivian. “I‘m fine.”

The security guard ran over and asked, “What happened?”

Vivian was full of worry for Arno, and she was so nervous that she couldn‘t speak for the time being.

Seeing this, Arno put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. He turned to the security guard and said, “Someone wanted to crush us on purpose. Go check the surveillance camera and see who the car owner is.”

Upon hearing this, the security guard had a long face. “Alright, I‘ll take care of it now.”

“Let‘s go to the hospital.” Vivian dared not waste time and drove Arno to the hospital.

“At that time, the car rushed straight at us. It was horrible.”

Vivian immediately thought that the culprit was probably one of the two people she had eavesdropped on. She called Melissa while Arno was under examination.

Cut Bonus “Okay, our company has found it out. I will never let the two people go.”

Melissa had a clue before, but she was still suspicious. Now that something like this had happened to Vivian, she had confirmed the suspect.

Vivian seemed to feel assured after hearing that. She replied softly, “Melissa, if you catch that person, you have to tell me.”

Vivian would not let the two go because Arno was hurt.

“What about Arno?” Melissa asked.

himself against a pillar. I was so worried.” Vivian pursed her

consulting room opened, and Vivian hung up when she

your head hurt? Is your injury

saw the Band–Aid on Arno‘s brow.


at all. She took his hand

result, she found the wound on the back of his head, and

that it‘s just a bruise?” As Vivian spoke, she grabbed

this, he reached out to pick up Vivian

in front of

I‘m Not Afraid of

scared the wits out of me! Do

princess.” Arno reached out to wipe away the tears at

touched it with her cheek to feel the warmth

suspect. I will

watched the video on the computer

moment, someone knocked on the office door. Melissa hid the files and

a young man walked in. He

at him, indicating for him to tell her why

Department. This is the report from our department for this

young man came in, he looked around and finally set

he handed over the documents in

come here?”

man was caught off guard, Hte paused for a moment before saying, “Ah She felt unwell in the afternoon, so she asked me

all the young man‘s reactions, but

She nodded, “Alright, you may

a moment before continuing, “Ms. Eugen, do you need me to make a cup of coffee for

The young man

how strong this guy could be.” Melissa snorted and dialed a

need a play

long after the call was disconnected, a person walked into Melissa‘s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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