Mrs. Gibson, Your Identily Is Exposed

Mrs. Gibson Your Identity Is Exposed By Fair Day Chapter 581

Chapter 581 Monstrous Audacity

Ryker saw sucha scene as soon as he came in, and a trace of surprise flashed through his expression, but what he was even more regretful about was that he should have stood at the door and taken pictures, instead of directly breaking in.

However, his sudden entrance had already frightened the two people in the office. And Melissa suddenly looked at the door, her face frighteningly cold.

“Don‘t you know that you should knock on the door when you enter my office?”

“I... I knocked on the door...” Ryker immediately lowered his head and stammered, “I‘m here to bring you coffee.”

As he spoke, Demetrius had already stood up and walked out of the office directly, leaving behind a sentence before he left.

“How boring.”

When Ryker heard this, his eyes quietly turned. He had thought that all those things were fake, but he did not expect that he would run into the scene now.

Without changing his expression, he placed the coffee on Melissa‘s desk and


Melissa propped up her cheeks and looked at the fragrant coffee in the cup, her lips curling into a faint smile.

However, during the lunch break after that, a person sneaked into the office. And it was Ryker.

“Ms. Eugen?” he knocked on the door and called out softly. And after glancing at the empty office, he boldly walked in.

“Ms. Eugen?”

Chapter 581 Monstrous Audacity

He raised his tone slightly and searched around for Melissa.

Looking at the coffee that had been finished on the desk, Ryker smiled slightly.

When he turned around, he saw Melissa lying on the bed in the break room. Ryker heaved a sigh of relief and straightened up.

He added sleeping pills to Melissa‘s coffee, and as long as she drank it, she would fall unconscious before long.

That way, he could take advantage of this opportunity to come to her office and take her photos secretly.

It was a pity that he did not take a picture of the man in her office at that time.

room, Ryker looked down at Melissa. And he touched

every day. And I didn‘t expect you to be so loose in

phone beside the bed and quickly checked it, thinking that he might

time, he did not turn on her cell phone. Ryker‘s patience had been mostly worn out, so he simply threw the phone aside and turned to look at Melissa who was

have such a good opportunity, wouldn‘t it be a waste


grinned and took down

good spot to put the camera on, then he rubbed his

Chapter 581 Monstrous Audacity

then, Melissa‘s phone rang, and a

he just glanced over and did not

to it.

hand was about to reach Melissa‘s

to do next. So he gritted his teeth and reached out to grab Melissa‘s wrist, being about

even if the potency was over, she would not

Ryker in the stomach, causing him to curl


were clear, and she did not look like she had drunk sleeping pills at all, looking down at Ryker. Seeing him struggle to get up, she gave him another kick. Then, she stepped on his chest, making him unable to

burning pain in his chest, unable

him. “Are you curious as to why I did not


if I don‘t cooperate with you,

Melissa‘s face

you, an employee, can make

Chapter 581 Monstrous Audacity

my taste

face was full of surprise, and his

out of nowhere. He was holding

you let me be a

with an aggrieved expression. But when he thought of what Ryker was about to do, a hint of coldness flashed across


still chose to ruthlessly step

pain, his

found the pinhole

took photos secretly in my company. Who told you

said lazily, but her voice

is that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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