Chapter 613 Ariana Faints

Harley opened his mouth. He knew that the recent gossip was unacceptable to Nina.


Harley lowered his head and said sincerely.

This was the second time he apologized today.

Nina lowered her head, her eyes still filled with exhaustion. “You don’t have to apologize.”

“I know that I was wrong. I shouldn’t have let the reporters write nonsense and made you sad.”

He knew that Nina was still angry, so he could only coax her nicely, “Mrs. Timothy, can you forgive your husband this time?”

Nina swallowed. When she heard this, her heart was already moved.

However, her rationality told her that she could not forgive him so quickly.

Otherwise, there would always be a next time. Endless things would wait for her.She couldn't bear so much.She glared at Harley. “Who is Mrs. Timothy?”

“Isn't it you?” Harley wanted to hug Nina.

“Don't touch me, I feel disgusted,” Nina said as she moved away.

Looking at Nina’s cold and distant appearance, Harley let out a long sigh in his heart.

He tried to explain. “Nina, listen to me. There is nothing between me and Sylvia. You are the only one in my heart.”

“Nothing?” When Nina thought of those photos, she felt bitter in her heart and raised her voice. “Are you going to tell me that those photos are all fake?”

“I.” Harley was speechless.

Those photos were indeed not fake, but that night he was drunk, and he did not know what he had done with Sylvia.

They looked intimate in the photos, but Harley really couldn’t remember anything about that night at all.

really happy to see the news and

Cowan and Harley Timothy. The new actress and the award-winning

Harley Timothy become a real couple

to break up with Nina. Sylvia

she looked

if Nina

only be

didn’t believe that Nina would be able to endure

Harley would dump Nina and be

was sure that she would be the

Sylvia couldn't see Harley anywhere. In the blink of an eye, she

don't know either...” The assistant stammered,

don’t say it, I'll get the higher-ups to

felt helpless. When Harley left today, Harley told him not to tell

back?” Sylvia raised her eyebrows and continued asking,

Pailbury City. I’m not too sure.” The assistant thought

City, Sylvia


Paul family lived in

to go back to find Nina. He had so many important things to do, yet

that he could go

that she almost fainted. What was so good about Nina that Harley

her office and called several

the photos

from the other side. “The person

“80 thousand dollars.”

hesitant on

thousand dollars!” Sylvia gritted her

directly doubled the price, which made the

will give you another 160 thousand dollars. You only need to do as I said.” A sinister

intimate photos. And she would be really

very quickly, and in just a short while, the photos were posted

a sudden, all kinds of headlines appeared in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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