Chapter 614 She May Become a Vegetable

They hurried to the hospital while Ariana was pushed into the emergency room by several nurses.

“Doctor, how's my mother doing?”

Nina was very anxious and held the doctor’s hand, refusing to let go.

“Madam, please let go. Time is ticking. If you keep dragging me like this, I can’t save your mother’s life in time.”

The doctor was a bit helpless. He couldn't push Nina away after he saw her big belly. He could only say to her nicely.

“Sorry, doctor. She's just too worried.”

Harley hurriedly loosened Nina’s grip and kept apologizing to the doctor.

Seeing the doctor enter the operating room and the red light go on, Nina fell silent

At the thought of Ariana fainting, Nina was heartbroken.

Nina thought, I pissed Ariana off. Otherwise, she wouldn't have fainted. It's all my fault.

Nina gawked at the red light in front of her. She opened her mouth and sat there without a word, as if she had gone blank completely.

Seeing Nina like this, Harley felt a little distressed. He walked forward and patted Nina on the shoulder. “Nina, don’t be sad. The doctor is operating on Mrs. Paul right now. She will be fine.”

Nina held her head and cried. She was utterly anxious. The next second, she looked like she was in great pain. She held her stomach and closed her eyes.

“It hurts...”

Nina held her stomach and muttered, making Harley even more nervous.

Harley walked forward, wanting to help Nina up. “Calm down. You're pregnant. You can't get too worked up.”

But Nina couldn't calm down at all. She still held her stomach, motionless.

“Come on. Just go back and get some rest. I’ve got this. I'll tell you the moment Mrs. Paul gets out.”

but be anxious. He accidentally used too much force and caused

“What the hell?”

“I am not that fragile. My mother is still inside. How can I go back?

she held her stomach

looking out

should head back for now.

body better than you. Mind your

used all her strength to push Harley away from her side. She staggered

“Watch out!”

went over to help Nina up again. “See? If you still refuse to listen to me,

hand and bit it. It hurt so much that

near me. Your hands that were

of her. Her eyes were cold, as if he were a

words made Harley’s heart ache. He shook his head. “I said that I didn’t

“Stop lying to me!”

She held her stomach

she was about to faint. Her vision became more and more blurred. She reached out


hold Nina. Nina had already passed out. Harley kept calling her, but she wasn't responding at

“Doctor! Doctor!”

come. Several nurses and doctors passing by heard his cry and sent Nina to

lights of the two operating rooms lit up together, Harley felt

operating rooms with his hands clasped together, praying for Nina and Ariana. It seemed

and he saw Nina quietly lying on the bed while gawking at the


“How is she, doctor?”

now. But since she is pregnant, you have to calm her down. She cannot go

“I see. Thank

to a ward. She was still worried about Ariana and insisted on getting

He had to give in.

prevent her from catching a cold on the way,

the way, Nina did not say a word. Harley didn’t want to stimulate her. Therefore, he simply told her to stay put. Instead of staying with her, he just stood afar and

chair in a daze. Her face was pale, and she looked weak. She seemed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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