Chapter 617 A Rare Opportunity

In fact, Melissa had been in showbiz for quite some time, yet this was really the first time she had met such a person.

Melissa was dumbfounded. How could Ferme be so confident? Did he think he could act so arrogantly simply because of a few songs and some popularity?

Outsiders might think that he had received a lifetime achievement award that could support him for his entire life.

Melissa curled the corners of her mouth. Rising stars were everywhere in showbiz. Creative singers like Ferne were countless.

Ferne was lucky to be popular. However, once some newcomers appeared, Ferne would soon become a nobody.

“I take it that you think you can resurrect my ‘TV drama?”

Melissa supported her cheeks with her hands and looked at Ferne.

Ferne crossed his hands and put them on his lower abdomen. He looked at Melissa seriously. “If Ms. Eugen does have sharp eyes, then you should rest assured because I'll bring you untold benefits.”

In fact, Ferne had always been a conceited person, because he had been on a roll his entire life. The second he set foot in showbiz, he became famous overnight with the song he wrote.

Countless people dreamed of such a thing, yet Ferne became the lucky dog so easily. Naturally, he underestimated the competition in showbiz and how horrible things could get.

Ferne felt that he could have whatever he wanted easily. When he had his moment, countless big companies wanted to sign him, but he eventually chose Star Entertainment, because it was the leading entertainment company in showbiz.

Ferne knew clearly that if he signed with Star Entertainment, he would have all the resources the company had because of his current popularity, and the future benefits for him would be countless.

Ferne put on airs because he knew that he was in the limelight.

However, he forgot one thing. The person who was in front of him was Melissa.

“How about it? Ms. Eugen, think about it. It's a rare opportunity.”

turned down a lot

couldn't help but laugh when

as she looked at Ferne and said with her face propped up, “Who the hell do you think you

wanted to laugh along,

you think Star Entertainment cares about you,

her head. With Star Entertainment's current

to a personal studio. He had not signed with a company yet.

important. However, Melissa knew that he couldn't make it

pulled a long face. He leaned forward and came closer to Melissa

he was interrupted by Melissa. She said, “Popularity? Do you think you'll stay

of your company. You are a big company, and you can

can offer you the best

“But do you think you deserve

and his hands that were

enough. You’re a big company. Even a star like me cannot meet your

She was curious. Where did he get his confidence

sign with her, not

your standard. Mr. Blass, as you said, there are a lot of companies that want you, so, why

tapped the desk with her finger and sneered, “Ferne, you don’t deserve it, and you

Ignorance led to fearlessness.

been in showbiz for some time. Everyone was respectful to him. It

like this,

As he spoke, he

Ferne stepped out of the office, he bumped


bumped into Ferne lowered

Ferne patted his collar and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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