Chapter 616 The Reason

Seeing that Nina’s mood was getting better, Melissa finally asked in front of her. If the two of them did not resolve the conflict, then they might break up.

“I don't know anything that night. I only remember that I was drunk and I don’t remember what happened.”

“Is that true?”

Melissa raised her eyebrows. Harley did not seem like a man that would betray Nina.

“Really. I feel like I didn't touch Sylvia that night. When I woke up, my shirt was gone, but my pants were still there.”

Speaking of this, Melissa and Nina looked at each other and smiled.

“Where did those photos come from?”

Melissa knew what Nina was thinking, so she asked,

“I really don't know that. I don't have any impression of it.”

After Melissa adjusted her mood, she heaved a sigh of relief and prepared to continue working.

Then, her phone suddenly rang. She looked down and saw that it was Marvin.

She cleared her throat and picked up her phone to answer the call.

“Hello, Mr. Lynn.”

She greeted Marvin.

“Ms. Eugen, I have a new drama recently. I want to start a project. Do you have time to help me with this? If you attend, you can help me advertise.”

“Since Mr. Lynn has already asked for my help, of course, I will.”

Melissa agreed. Marvin was a famous director in the industry. If she could cooperate with him, it would be very beneficial.

“By the way, I have another person here. I wonder if Marvin needs more help.”

Melissa asked. When Marvin mentioned this to her, someone appeared in her mind.

“Oh? Who is it?”

“You should know him. Harley Timothy.”

At the mention of Harley, Marvin was silent for a while.

“This...” Marvin looked a little troubled “As you know, I really don't dare hire him because of his recent scandal.”

nodded. “But since Ms. Eugen recommended him, it’s not

a great person. Don’t worry. I guarantee that nothing will go wrong. However,

about the details and Melissa hung up

raised her eyebrows and took out her phone again to

This time, Ariana was sick because of him, so he stayed to take care

time, he

“What's the matter?”

he did not have so much time to talk

ask you if you want to do

Harley was busy, but she still had to ask more

work?” Harley frowned slightly.

know, the scandal between you and Sylvia has gone viral for the past two days. If you don't

were reasonable, but Harley was still a little

that the new drama needed to be planned and asked me

his lips. That was

scene of Ariana fainting on the ground appeared in his mind. He fell

it. It's not too late to tell me when you have

and knew that he had many things

your handness. I think it’s better


hospital, and it

and Melissa had expected it from the beginning. Since that was

that's the case, I'll tell him. Just take good care of Mrs.

that, Melissa hung up

Marvin sent a

quite the same as what they had discussed at the beginning. This time, the role given


took Vivian to see Marvin and talked about the specific details. However, when she heard that she was going to be isolated from the world in a remote place for more

confirmed, she would disappear from the public for three months, and she was afraid that not many people

fans. But she actually did not have any loyal fans. She was afraid that only a few fans would

been finalized with the director, the company did not immediately send out the announcement. Instead, they quietly waited for the director to give the notice

the first notice that Marvin gave Vivian was

the way the two gluttons met

during this meal, Marvin also said something

current acting state was not very suitable

completely change himself from the

the other side of the company, the theme song for the TV series was being prepared. Melissa also took the time to look at the recording studio. Fortunately, it was Jaylin who handled the matter. Melissa

front of her,

had previously been invited to

Melissa, Ferne only nodded. He reached out

found it funny. She hadn’t seen such an arrogant person in the entertainment industry for a

me, right?” Ferne

but looked up at Ferne.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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