Chapter 625 Sign a Contract with Shayna

These evaluations were a form of encouragement and courage for Shayna, and after separating from Melissa, she began to immerse herself in training, becoming stricter with herself.

After a few days of training, the company decided to sign a contract with shayna.

Shayna had an amazing talent for music. Every time Calvin taught her something, she would immediately understand the method and use it on herself.

Although these days of training had been a little hard, it had still been somewhat effective.

“Okay, sing it again. I'll listen.”

Calvin crossed his arms and adjusted his glasses. He looked at Shayna in front of him.

After these days of training, Shayna had already overcome the difficulties in his heart. After reorganizing her emotions, she slowly opened her mouth and sang the song that she had practiced more than a hundred times.

After the song ended, the surrounding environment quieted down.

Shayna swallowed nervously, looking forward to everyone's evaluation.

“Not bad.”

Hearing Calvin's praise, she gradually relaxed.

“It's great.” Melissa also gave Shayna a thumbs-up. She had to admit that Shayna had improved a lot.

“Okay, in that case, let’s go to the recording studio.”

With everyone's affirmation, Shayna was much more confident. She nodded and followed Calvin into the recording studio

After entering, Calvin had been talking with Shayna to make her relax. He even helped her test the sound and adjust the volume.

After making some preparations, he left the recording studio nervously.

to be more

help but laugh. Although Calvin was strict with Shayna, he

her first album. How can I not be

then quieted down to observe the situation in the recording

the help of Calvin, Shayna released her first album. She finally became a musician and her eyes lit up. She was

and more people heard her

normal that there is no response. Moreover, it’s still your

more and more messages pop up on Shayna’s phone screen. They were

was a little dumbfounded. “It can’t be. I just posted it and there are already

also a little surprised. She almost clicked it with trembling hands. There were more and more

and said she was the original creator.

“The original producer? Seriously?”

Shayna’s eyes were actually a little red. She put down her phone

by him and Shayna. The entire process was watched by him. How could

“What's the matter?”

walked in with the

Shayna wanted to check on Twitter to see its popularity. As a result, the first hot search was actually

knew that there were more and more people commenting? That piece

Entertainment, there were also many reporters who sent

that tears

“It's fine. Don’t worry.”

This matter was strange. She clicked on Ferne’s new song and found that apart


replied, not expecting that such a thing would happen

know. Don't worry. I'll

became serious. She asked Calvin to stay and observe the situation

made by Shayna, but they had always been

in the company must have

cold. It seemed that she had indulged them

day, and it was only in the evening that she discovered a man suddenly walking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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