Chapter 626 He Has Changed

Half of the people came over to listen to the album because of the news, and the other half were attracted by her unique voice, so Shayna became famous overnight.

Melissa looked at the news and comments about Shayna on the internet. The corners of her mouth curled up into a smile. After calming herself down, she let out a long breath and prepared to continue working.

In the Gibson's house.

Adela came to the Gibson's house early in the morning, holding a soup box in her hand,

“Don't bring anything next time. It’s great that you came.”

Sarah hurriedly went out to greet Adela. Adela took the opportunity to hold Sarah’s arm, looking very intimate.

“This is the chicken soup I made this morning. Didn’t you always say that you have no appetite these days? I brought it for you to improve your appetite.”

Adela acted very gently and elegantly in front of Sarah, making Sarah extremely happy.

“Good girl, you really are considerate.”

The housekeeper at home took the chicken soup from Adela’s hand and took it to the kitchen.

Sarah held Adela’s hand and sat down on the sofa and then began to chat with her about daily life.

“By the way, why hasn’t Murray come down?”

Suddenly, Sarah asked the housekeeper.

It was not easy for Adela to come here, so she had to give them a chance to get along.

“Mr. Gibson went to the company.” The housekeeper replied.

“My son is just like that. He is dedicated to his work.”

Sarah complained to Adela.

“Murray is so responsible. It’s not common nowadays.”

Adela directly praised Murray and made Sarah laugh.

“But speaking of which, I haven’t seen Murray for a long time.”

When she said this, Adela blinked her eyes, looking wronged.

Seeing this, Sarah felt sorry. She patted Adela on the shoulder. “Good girl, don’t be sad. He’s just a bit stupid, so he doesn’t know what's on your mind.”

Adela nodded and then wiped the almost invisible tears from the corners of her eyes, looking firm.

It’s okay. Murray is busy with work. I

like this, Sarah

getting late. I’m going to

achieved. She pretended to stand up and look at her watch, ready

Adela was about to take

I am going to the company to look for him. I'll take

showed a surprised look. “This is not

with you. I will take you there. You don't have to

couldn't see, the

like that, Adela entered the company with Sarah. Just as she was about to pretend to go to her seat, Sarah

“What's wrong, Mrs. Gibson?”

blinked her watery eyes. She had already put on light makeup today and

you haven't seen Murray for a long time? I will take

not good,

to be reserved and refused it, but her

you there. Who dares to

president's office. Without

entered under everyone's gaze, the surrounding

on? Did the president and Melissa

stood outside the door and whispered. Soon, the news that Adela was brought into the president's office by

to be Murray's sister. In the afternoon, there was a rumor that Melissa and Murray were going to break up, and Sarah had

this matter had not stopped, but Melissa

to return to the company to get the contract. However, just as she entered the company, she discovered that the people around her were

those colleagues would greet Melissa when they saw her, but now they were all

only felt that it was weird. She prepared to enter Murray's office and wanted to tell him about

secretary suddenly stopped in front of

you can’t go

Usually, the secretary was very respectful to her, but now

to take the documents and discuss them with Murray. What’s

She was going to work. Why did the

to take the contract,

straighter, which

“Why is that so?”

does not have the money to give you the project


and the secretary

film and television. This really depends on luck. If you are not careful,

sneered. These words did not sound like Murray’s

on the secretary's face. These words were indeed not said by Murray,

found Melissa to cooperate, so she made

found that he was not in the office. Since she had come, why not take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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