Chapter 641 Dead End

“So you mean the employees of other companies are not outstanding, right?”

Melissa kept silent. She didn‘t know how to explain.

Looking at the reporters in front of her with expectation, she knew that they were going to waste time with her today.

The reporters immediately captured her impatient look and were secretly happy that there was another headline tonight.

“Ms. Eugen, what do you think of this matter?”

Seeing that Melissa didn‘t answer, the reporters didn‘t go on asking and changed their positions.

“This matter was spread by others. I only feel angry at those who spread the rumor.”

Looking at the malicious eyes of the reporters, Melissa had no choice but to answer.

“How do you know that? Do you have many contacts with Mr. Faber?”

As soon as the reporters asked that, Calvin sensed that something was wrong.

Why didn‘t they ask Shayna but he had to mention his name? It was because Calvin was a man.

“He‘s my employee. He just works with me.”


this, Melissa opened her


to ask

they were suggesting that Melissa had a secret relationship with Calvin behind Murray‘s back.

understand such a thing. The reporters asked this because they

was a live press conference with tens of millions of audience. As soon as the reporters‘ question was raised, it

Calvin so well? Can you give us a

answer, the reporters pushed her step by

they were good friends, it would make people think more.

all that Melissa was a married woman. A male friend who appeared out of nowhere was great material for the press. Moreover, there was gossip about Melissa and Murray some time ago, so it was difficult to stop people from thinking too much.

people were waiting to see her fail. As soon as this question came out, many people were looking forward to her

press conference made things more and more difficult for her. Not only did she not clear the

friends. Don‘t you know

my close

answered, which undoubtedly made people believe that Melissa

about me. Besides, you‘d better go to the Vast

she dismissed the

had to open them to face the light of so many cameras, which made

shoulder, telling her not to

Group had become

the person in it was Quentin, and Quentin‘s Twitter was being commented on by many people. The stock of the Vast Entertainment Group

to give Quentin a fatal blow. Murray called the secretary who was watching the footage and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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