Chapter 640 Economic Crisis

Most of it was becausc Calvin abused his private rights and pave Shayna good resources, ignoring other employees.

Melissa knew Calvin well. Shayna was talented. Calvin did not casually give resources to Shayna because they were in love.

Melissa frowned. Then she gave a smile and continued her work.

Just then, a piece of news appeared in Melissa’s line of sight.

“The Gibson Corporation’s shares are plummeting.”

Seeing the news, Melissa got nervous. Unexpectedly, there was a problem with Murray’s company! Melissa hurriedly took out her mobile phone to call Murray. She was relaxed after getting a positive answer from Murray,

In Murray’s office…

Murray was dealing with this matter with his employees. He had been taking care of Melissa in the hospital for the past few days, allowing some of the employees in the company to seize the opportunity to steal the company’s plan and sell it to other companies at a high price. Murray went to take care of Melissa and left the company behind. He meant to lure these people out.

The Gibson Corporation was one of the top companies in the country. The plan Murray made was extremely good. However, what the other party did not know was that there was a big loophole in the plan. These days, because of Adela’s matter, Murray was upsel and did not deal with this loophole. He did not expect someone to take advantage of the loophole.

The Gibson Corporation had a great influence on the country and had never made any mistakes. Because of this, no one dared to challenge Murray’s authority. Now, it seemed that Murray could take this opportunity to clean up the company.

Murray asked the secretary to find the surveillance footage for the recent period and had a few people whom lie trusled check the surveillance footage. They were determined to find these einployees, who betrayed the company, and the big boss beluind these employees.

As for the staffincharge of this plan, Murray transferred them to a few idle positions and asked people to pay attention to their every move. If anything was wrong, it would be reported to Murray immediately

The situation of Star Entertainment was getting more and more serious, and many of Shayna’s anu-fans commented, including lerne’s fans from before.

After Shayna’s new song became a massive hilt, these anti-fans did not have much effect, One tended to hit a man who was down. Once Shaynia got into trouble, these anti-fans came out, and the public agreed with thelr opinion.

notes on the door of Sliayna’s houSC. All kinds of

was teased by people like iliis, the defense line in her heart had been

the director of the company after all. So, not many people dared to go to him

this time, the netizens and

in a dilemma and did not know how to

come to this, if you want to break up, I’ll have a way to clarify things now. It’s

is there 110 other way? I don’t want to break up with Calvin.” Shayna lowered her head

rejection. Melissa smiled slightly and told them not to

night to write a speech and was ready to hold a press conference to clarify

entered the company with dark

were all over

the lounge, Shayna sat

she had suffered in the past few days was unprecedented. She was so anxious that she

if one looked carefully, he would find that she powdered her

preparing, Melissa brought Shayna to the press conference. Melissa had asked Calvin to arrange the reporters at the press

had been

Melissa brought Shayna In, the reporters, who were full of energy,

frightened by the flash, and her pale face was

little worried and looked at Melissa

smiled at Shayna, giving Shayna a consident

Shayna to

microphones towards Melissa. Sliayna was timid and did

she wrote overnight. “Shayna and Calvin lave occupied your public channels in

paused for a moment and then continued,

was caught by someone with ill intentions. There was no improper relationship between them. Please don’t be blinded by

denied the relationship between Shayna

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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