Chapter 629 A Jealous Man

This was not Arno’s parents’ fault. Since Vivian was Arno‘s girlfriend, they had already searched for reports about Vivian on the Internet before meeting her. But the result was tient satisfactory,

“I got it.”

Vivian blushed in embarrassment and did not know what to do for a moment,

“But this is your business. I’m just saying my opinion.”

Arno’s mom smiled politely. However, Vivian understood what Arno‘s mnom meant

Vivian thought, it is obvious that Arno‘s parents can‘t accept me, and my parents...

Vivian pursed her lips. Vivian’s parents had told her before that Arno was a man born with a silver spoon while Vivian was just from an ordinary family. Although Vivian was now famous, she was still nothing in the eyes of Arno‘s parents.

Vivian’s parents were also worried that as a man from a rich family, Arno must be adored by various girls, and they were alraid that Arno was not sincere to Vivian.

Then Arno and Vivian left Arno’s home, and Vivian scratched her head, thinking whether they should go to her parents and give it a try.

Then, as soon as Vivian and Arno entered Vivian’s home, they were opposed by Vivian’s parents.

“Are you the boyfriend from a rich family that Vivian mentioned?”

Vivian’s mom said as she looked at Arno up and down, Vivian’s mom was just an ordinary person, and she was not as gentle as Arno’s mom.

“Mom, what are you talking about?”

Vivian kept winking at her mom. However, Vivian’s mom completely ignored her and directly put on a serious face.

“Arno, it’s not that I want to break you up. It’s just that with your identity, Vivian and you are from two different worlds.”

Vivian rubbed her forehead and thought the thing she had been worried about had still come. However, Arno sat at the side and listened carefully.

“I know you have a good family background, so there must be girls with good family backgrounds around you, right? Vivian is just an ordinary girl, and I am afraid that…” Vivian’s mom said.

Arno walked out of Vivian’s home together, and they looked at each other, falling into

“What should we do?”

still somewhat unable to accept

man’s heart. I believe your parents

hands tightly, his eyes shining. Arno

with eyes full of certainty. Undoubtedly, Arno’s words gave Vivian a lot

“Alright,” Arno replied,

a soft smile,

this movie. Vivian thought


go and find Meli. She will help us,” Vivian

straight to the company and found Melissa in

matter?” Melissa

the box office. Melissa believed that if the box office continued to rise, Star Entertainment would

her parents had said. Melissa nodded and immediately found the

Helping you is helping the company. I will think of a

you, Meli,”

the two dimples

convenient for you two to go home for the time being, so you can stay

someone to clear up an empty office. Then she went on, “Especially you, Vivian. You are now a public figure. If the reporters see you, you

stuck out her tongue and then kept

the company, and Melissa had been recommending Vivian

directors every day, waiting for them to announce there

were some bad reviews about Vivian before, but after that movie, her acting skills were known by the public and Vivian had already

Mr. Smith? I heard that you

her office chair. These days, Melissa had found many job

enough. If Vivian wanted to make great achievements now, she would have to constantly show up

thing. There is an actor I want to promote in our company. I wonder if

was as clear as water, making people feel comfortable when they heard

that’s right! It’s Vivian


Melissa was speaking, suddenly, the office door

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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