Chapter 627 So Humiliate

Sarah walked out of the office

“Why are you here! I heard everything you said just now. You really don’t know how to be a lady. How can you argue with people here?”

When Sarah saw Melissa, she didn’t show any kindness. She only glanced at Melissa indifferently and didn’t continue looking at her.

“I'm sorry, Mrs. Gibson. It’s my lauli.”

The secretary quickly apologized to Sarah, but her eyes were filled with disdain for Melissa.

“I wanted to go in and get the contract. She was the one who stopped me.”

Melissa forcefully suppressed the dissatisfaction in her heart and looked at the few people in front of her. She was annoved.

However, what made her curious was why Murray didn’t Murray come out from inside.

“Do you understand? Murray already said that you shouldn't invest in film and television, and you still want to do it. Are you going against him?”

Sarah glared at Melissa fiercely, still holding Adela’s arm.

Melissa smiled bitterly and didn’t know what to say.

“Can't you learn from Adela? she’s elegant and polite, Most importantly, she’s filial. She will spend time with me. As for you, I don't know what you're doing every day.”

After Sarah criticized Melissa, she began to care about Adela. “You must be tired just now. Do you want to rest?”

“No need, Mrs. Gibson. I’m fine. I was just afraid that Ms. Eugen would be unhappy.”

Adela was still panting slightly, which made Melissa somewhat unable to accept.

“What's wrong with that? It's good that you're happy. You don’t have to care about others!”

Melissa shook her head. She never thought that her mother-in-law would do something like this!

“If there’s nothing else, I'll be leaving first.”

Melissa really wasn’t in the mood to waste time with these people. She found a reason to leave, but she was stopped by several people behind her.

“Where do you want to go if you don't go to work at this time?”

Sarah scolded. At this time, Adela, who was beside her, suddenly held her head and looked like she was about to faint.

“Mrs. Gibson, I feel a little dizzy.”

Her body swayed for a while, and at that moment, she directly put her hands on Melissa’s waist.

Melissa had her back to Adela. As soon as she put her hand on her. Melissa lost her balance. She staggered and tell to the ground

There was anger on Melissa's face. She frowned and looked at Adela, but Adela looked so arrogant that Melissa could not bear it.

She stepped forward and grabbed Adela’s hand.

“What are you doing? Let go!”

Adela struggled, but she could not get away no matter what. She could only let Melissa pull her.

Seeing that Melissa was about to drag her into the office, she was a little panicked and turned to look at Sarah.

Sarah immediately understood what she meant and rushed over to stop Melissa. “What are you going to do?”

“Of course, I am going to catch him cheating.”

Melissa’s eyes were cold as she directly walked past Sarah. Just as she was about to reach the office, she was stopped by Sarah.

“Stop! My son is still working. How can you go in and disturb him?”

When Sarah saw Adela’s pleading gaze, she immediately said. Melissa, however, would not take it seriously. She pulled

Adela’s hand and continued to walk inside.

Suddenly, it was unknown how Adela became so strong that she forcefully pulled Melissa back.

Seeing that something was wrong, Sarah’ called the secretary beside her to help.

Just like this, the two of them worked together to pull Melissa away. Seeing that they were about to arrive at the elevator entrance, Melissa wanted to pull her hand back, but she did not expect that she would be firmly grasped by them. There was no space for her to pull out at all.

“Where are you pulling me? Let go!”

Adela pressed the button of the elevator with a fierce look on her face. “Don't bother us. Go back to where you should be.”

Melissa’s long eyelashes gently trembled. The elevator door was about to open, and Adela and the secretary were ready to push her in

There was a sound.

When the elevator door opened, Melissa felt a burst of force coming from her waist. She was a little unwilling and used all her strength to stand in place. Suddenly, Adela put down her hand.

Melissa looked up, feeling strange, and at a glance, she saw Adela’s dull eyes.

in confusion and

that it was Murray. Melissa looked at the tightly closed office door again

hell are


had just witnessed the scene of Adela and the secretary working together against Melissa. He did not

“No... Nothing,”

to be such a coincidence. Just as she was about to chase Melissa away,

Adela still had the backing of Surah The secretary however, would be finished. there's no one

” that Murray to working inside?” she looked af Sarah, who was standing behind her fatah was also


he frowned, making people

said that you were inside, I wanted to go in and take

saw that Adela‘s forehead was covered in

forget Adela’s floating

is no one in the office.

Melissa would

say what I was doing inside? Don't talk

Her fair face had now

didn't you even put on your clothes properly? This is the company, Don't leave a bad

to be worried about Adela, making Adela so angry

just enter

said a long time ago that

he saw Sarah behind

a word. She

not expect that Sarah would directly ignore her. Now that Murray asked, she

is so beautiful. I don’t think she is a

Adela did not dare

so ostentatiously. Now that she was

Melissa in contusion. This word

had just done, it would be difficult to talk to

“Ask her yourself.”

domineering, as before and she was so scared that

she looked at the man beside her. He had a

don’t misunderstand me. I didn’t do

not by her

so? Then Ms. Yale should put on

mouth and laughed. Adela looked at the clothes on

full of doubts. Seeing that Melissa was about to expose what she had done, she

leave, she smiled at Murray and

backs of the two leaving and frowned. He was a little confused about what

were you

if he found out

why are you

understand.” A scratchy voice came from the person

our school is genuinely looking for Ms. Gibson

little regretful

without asking about Ms. Gibson’s schedule

as she didn’t want

the time is so less. Also, we’ll find someone to contact

had, it didn’t seem like they were

between the two parties, they decided to cancel the

let out a long sigh and she took

was not in the company before, which caused it to fall behind a lot, so now it is very necessary t to work hard and seize every opportunity. missed this time, I am afraid that there will be such a

did Jennifer let go of such a

and that’s why she didn’t know much about her, but Calvin

thinking about it. As Calvin probably

him I’m afraid he doesn’t know anything about it.”

Jennifer was recruited by Calvin, it’s time to

she came to Calvin’s office, and looking

felt a little bit uneasy and it made her feel a

suddenly?” The owner of

am here to ask you something.” Melissa sat

on the table, “Is she hired by

the photo of Jennifer and nodded

the matter, isn’t she

shook her head, obviously, Calvin didn’t see the difference

something very strange

Eugen asked, while Calvin

from people on the Internet. Don’t be bothered by them.” he

narrowed slightly, “However, I always feel that she is different from

second, she stopped and gave it a long

capable, but

didn’t know how to put that in words. As

asked him

the talent market, I think her ability


was crowded and cluttered, and if she would

you, I am sure

his reply Melissa stood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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