Chapter 631 Ask Sarah for Help

But Adela didn’t give up. She walked up to Murray and hield his waisi, “Murray, I miss you so much.”

Murray closed his eyes, trying to suppress his anger. “Let go of me.”

Seeing that Murray didn’t resist, Adela smiled subconsciously. Sure enough, men were all like this.

“No, just let me hold you like this, okay?”

Murray took a deep breath and pushed Adela away. “If you keep doing this, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

The man’s face was covered with gloom, as if he could swallow Adela in the next second.

“You, I…” Adela was frightened by Murray’s reaction, but she still plucked up her courage and said, “Melissa doesn’t cherish you. Why can’t you accept me?”

Adela’s words completely angered Murray.

“Fuck off!”

Murray roared in a low voice. Although he was at odds with Melissa, it didn’t mean that others could speakill of Melissa.

Adela shook her head. Even though she was afraid of the angry Murray, she had to seize this opportunity.

Today, when Adela learned that Murray was alone in the hotel, she especially wore a very short miniskirt, which was totally different from hier usual style.

And because she had just rubbed herself against Murray’s body, her panty was partly exposed.

Murray felt sick at the sight of it. He turned his face away and called the hotel. The waiters came.

“Who told you to let her come up? Take her out!”

Murray turned his back to Adela and said something that Adela didn’t expect.

“We are sorry, sir. It’s our fault to bring you so much inconvenience.”

saying that, the waiters turned their heads fiercely to look

can’t do

on her waist, Adela tried her

to the monitoring room and found the footage in which

was very high-definition, showing Adela’s movements clearly. Without hesitation, Murray sent

reporters were all stunned. In a short while, the video was edited to be more eye-catching, showing clear

long after the video was released, it

a sudden, all the people

my goodness! Is this Adela? Shame

expect that she would have

netizens began to curse Adela and the Yale family. For a time, the Yale family became the target of public

at the curses online,

received a call from

trembling lands. She knew she

did you

soon as the phone was picked up, Sawyer shouted at

best to hold back her tears. She didn’t expect that Murray would be

raise you up? How could you do such a shameless thing? You are really a

knew that Sawyer wouldn’t believe

of you, the stock of the company plummeted. Now it’s


the stock plummeted and couldn’t be saved, it meant that

she would feel so ashamed

can’t care about you now, but you have to solve this matter, or you are not allowed to

the line. The next second, the phone was

the black screen, Adela’s heart was filled

care about her anymore. Who should she ask for

thought for a while. Suddenly, a


was Murray’s mother. No matter low arrogant Murray was, she thought he had to

Adela calmed down and went to the kitchen to cook for a while. Then she took a lot of food to

office, Adela had no contact

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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