Chapter 632 No One Can Save Adela

Millions of dollars was not a small amount, enough to help Adela’s family out of trouble.

“Thank you, Mrs. Gibson. I’ll come to visit you every day and cook soup for you.”

Adela was so happy that she almost knelt down. But Sarah helped her up and said with a smile, “Silly girl, take it and solve your matter, or your father will be anxious to wait.”

Adela nodded and then went to the bank to transfer the money to Sawyer.

Sawyer worked hard in the company for a long time before he managed to save the company’s shares.

Although the price was not as good as belore, the company was saved and wouldn’t suffer too much.

Murray lieard that the Yale family was saved.

Murray raised his eyebrows. It might not be as simple as others thought.

“Go and find out who helped the Yale family.”

Murray sent an assistant to investigate. Leaning against the sofa, he heaved a sigh of relief.

The assistant soon finished the investigation and came back. “Mr. Gibson, I just found out that someone had given the Yale family s million dollars, and Mrs. Gibson’s account was just missing S million dollars.”

Murray nodded. Of course, it wasn’t Melissa.

It was Sarah. He knew Sarah had contact with Adela in private.

“It seems that I don’t need to deal with it.”

Murray’s eyes looked so deep that no one could figure out what he was thinking.

He took out his phone and called Marc.

“You finally called to comfort me.”

Marc’s loud voice came from the other end of the line.

well. You

to tell Marcile purpose of his

was harassed by a woman today. You know, I have

can solve this kind

imposing as Murray, but he was

“My mother helped him.”

this, Marc knew what he should

next day, as soon as Sarah woke up, she received a call

“What did you do?”

as the phone was picked up, Marc

second, Marc deprived

for others. Don’t leave

“No, no, why?”

Sarah questioned.

about what you have done

voice came from the other end of the line. Even

care about your Smillion dollars. If i find you do tliis

phone was hung

pillow on the bed. The

her son who told Marc


Adela, but she was grounded. The Yale

involved. No one could save

without Sarah’s help, the Yale family would soon be unable to

in the office, looking at the stock price that was still going

million dollars that Adela Transferred yesterday was somchowlalen by other companies. Now that Adela couldn’t contact Saralı, no

one dared to be

like being cut by a knise. His hard work was actually ruined

Yale, soinething bad is going to happen. There is a powerful force


another difficulty to

at the stock price on the screen, which shocked him

few seconds, it was about to reach a new low in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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