Chapter 634 Melissa Faints

If the police had not come to informulier this time, ulicy would nollave known that Arnoladalso boarded the planc with Vivian.

Arno had not returned home these days, and they had been looking for him for a long time, but they did not expect him to be with Vivian!

They came to the seaside, looking around, but they could not find Arno.

Suddenly, Sileas turned around and saw Melissa charging toward her.

She widened her eyes. They had seen photos of Melissa online. It was because Melissa was Vivian’s boss that she paid more attention to her.

Seeing that Melissa had also rushed over, Silcas hurriedly chased after hier.

“Stop! Stop!”

Sileas chased after Melissa and kept calling out. After a long time, Melissa realized that someone was calling her.

“Who are you?”

Melissa turned around and saw an unfamiliar woman.

Melissa felt that the woman looked familiar.

“I am Arno’s mother!”

Her tone wasn’t polite, making Melissa evenmore dissatisfied.

Melissa had heard about Sileas before. Now that Melissa sawlier today, she had a bad impression of Sileas.

“What can I do for you?”

Out of courtesy, Melissa calmed down. But she kept looking at the other side of the sea, still worried about Vivian in her heart

Sileas was dissatisfied. Melissa ignored her.

“You are Vivian’s boss? You let my son get on this plane?”

Melissa frowned, “When did lask your son top on the plane?”

“You dare to quibble!”

lost her temper all of a sudden. Iler usual yraceful and generous

be on the list

surprised. Was Arno also

pretend to be confused. My son hasn’t been home

Did you hide them?

that Melissa was Murray’s wife. Wouldn’t it be

know about this, but Arno is in his twenties. Isn’t it normal for him not to go

it was Vivian who asked her to help.

the blame

our family’s business, and it has

Her son’s life was uncertain. She

would he have

accressive, making Melissa

he goes is his own decision. What ability do I have

She felt guilty

should be responsible for Vivian. But Arno and Melissa had nothing to do with each

son’s life and death to be uncertain,

gritted her teeth. She immediately began

that I was not the one who asked your son

was not to be outdone. She was already upset about Vivian’s malter. Now that Sileas had rushed out,

right. Vivian is an unreliable woman. I don’t

front of Melissa.

like your son, whose life and death are uncertain? You are here blaming others. Are you afraid that

counterattacked, and Sileas was immediately

tell me nonsense. Vivian is unreliable, and you are even more


company in the past few days were obvious to all. In the

“Am I wrong? You…”

lowered her licad. Just as Sileas thought that Melissa was going to apologize

fall to her side, she was about to go up and support Melissa, but

waist and turned around.

It was Murray!

arguing from afar. Murray rushed over. When he saw

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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