Chapter 633 I Will Find You

“I’m going to send you abroad during this period of time so that you can improve your skills. When you come back, you will have a lot of good work. In this way, your boyfriend’s parents may accept you.”

Melissa said calmly.

Hearing this, Vivian was excited. “OK! Thiank you, Meli. I will work hard.”

The next day, Melissa booked a ticket and sent Vivian abroad.

Melissa returned to the office and let out a sigh of relief. Now that Vivian’s matter had been settled, Melissa no longer had to worry about that.

After resolving Vivian’s matter, the next step was to deal with Murray’s maller.

Melissa frowned. The video on Twitter was still vivid in her mind. If Melissa didn’t look for Murray,

she was afraid that she would lose Murray.

Melissa was just about to take her phone to call Murray when she heard the news broadcasting on the TV.

“Passenger plane 3-594 crashed in Philadelphia.

The lost’s clear voice rang out, and Melissa’s heart trembled.

Isn‘t this the plane Vivian is on?

Melissa’s eyes widened and she kept comforting herself in her heart.

Melissa called Vivian, but the plione could not be connected.

Melissa was anxious.

Melissa’s heart trembled violently. The accident came so quickly!

Melissa called Vivian several more times, but in the end, her pione was osl.

Melissa was stunned. She looked at the gradually darkening screen and was lost in thought.

“Bad news! We can’t contact Vivian now.”

The assistant suddenly rushed in. Seeing the dull look in Melissa’s eyes, she knew that Melissa had already known that.

The office fell into a dead silence. In the morning. Vivian had beenchasing after Melissa and calling her Meli. Now she had encountered an accident.

assistant took a deep breath and could only silently lower

her. Quickly send someone

and ran out of

police have already sent people to look for her. We might not be of much

voice became soster and softer. In front of such a situation, she could not

“You’re right.”

calmed down and

Murray had been waiting for


very sad, with a bit of

“What’s the matter?”

and gentle voice


she had known earlier, she wouldn’t have been so anxious to

a little unhappy. Seeing that Melissa was so sad,

plane crashed. I just called her many times, but I couldn’t get through. The police have been looking


Vivian, he had to help her

Melissa was so

frowned. He had never seen

Leave it to

gentle and confident

There were his subordinates everywhere in the country. If he went to find


This is

face turned slightly

Murray to

Murray sent someone to

Murray used his strength to search for traces of Vivian

morning, she was lineasy. Melissa was blaming herself

so early. Otherwise, she would not be in

is the coffee

take it anymore and came in with a cup of coffee.

thought that something like this would happen. Not only did Vivian increase the

was why it was normal for Melissa to be like

was only in the evening that Melissa received

“How is it?”

answered quickly, her tone full

silent for a long time,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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