Chapter 644 Wake Up

Seeing Shayna‘s pale face, Melissa felt guilty.

If it wasn‘t for Mrs. Gibson, Shayna would not have become like this.

Melissa clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. Since Murray was there, it was not good to flare up.

The two of them came to Shayna‘s ward, and a strong smell of alcohol assailed their nostrils, which was very pungent.

Melissa frowned, seeing there was no blood on Shayna‘s face, which pained her.

Melissa walked forward with a frown and stroked Shayna‘s forehead. The cold touch made her tremble.

Murray noticed the change in Melissa‘s expression. He gently patted Melissa‘s back, comforting her.

He knew that it was all Mrs. Gibson‘s doing, but he couldn‘t do anything, so he could just be there with Melissa.

What Mrs. Gibson had done was unforgivable, and Melissa couldn‘t endure it.

Melissa fetched a warm towel and gently wiped Shayna‘s forehead and her body. Every touch shook her heart.

“Don‘t worry. She will get better.”

Murray patted Melissa on the back and comforted her.

But Melissa did not say a word, and she was still angry with Sarah,

This made Murray a little difficult. He was silent and sat at the side.


Shayna‘s hand moved, and she called her name.

Melissa tensed up, and she held Shayna‘s hand. “I‘m here, Shayna. Don‘t be afraid.”

She comforted Shayna. Although she had quieted down, her mouth was still trembling.

The next second, Shayna‘s eyes were wide open in a frightening way. “Melissa!”

She shouted, making Melissa stunned.

quiet. This was the first time

“I‘m here.”

said softly and


you alright? It‘s

happy that Shayna woke up, and she was


Shayna, while Murray

never treated him like this

dreamed that Mrs.

second, Shayna

over. Some blood flew into the needle. Perhaps it was because Shayna moved too much. Shayna‘s eyes welled up because of the

move. You‘re still on a

Shayna to lie down, and then she

stand here. Buy us something to

say anything and did as she asked. He could only hope that Melissa

Lie down.”

Shayna lie down and kept comforting

and she kept thinking about Mrs. Gibson‘s mean face.

kept telling her

side now.

felt much more

to the ward. Just as he arrived at the door, he heard

made you look like this. I will let her pay for this.”

Mrs. Gibson. Now that it had happened, he could no longer

she is Mr.

voice became. Obviously, Shayna didn‘t want


up her mind, and

step back this time. She‘ll

listening outside the door, came

Murray must have heard it just now. She lowered her head and was afraid that Murray would

even frown. He placed the food in front of the bed and

and doubtful. Murray was okay

Melissa was worried that she would go too far.

must have felt sorry for Shayna, so he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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