Chapter 645 Apologize Publicly

Marc‘s eyes were full of anger. He slapped the table. “Cancel Jane‘s position and don‘t allow her to come here in the future!”

The surrounding servants all lowered their heads, not daring to make a sound. They were afraid they would suffer the next second

The next second, Marc let out a sigh of relief. He didn‘t know if Melissa could forgive him this time.

Marc was silent for a while and then called Melissa.

Melissa had just coaxed Shayna to sleep and was preparing to deal with Sarah’s matter. When she saw that the call was from Marc, she answered without thinking.

“Melissa, I just interrogated the two traitors. They said that the butler was bribed by that woman, so they went out to tell the secret.”

Marc explained, but Melissa didn‘t have time to listen.

Now, these reasons were no longer important. Sarah had hurt Shayna, so she had to pay the price.


Melissa replied faintly.

Marc continued, “I have already dismissed the butler and the two servants.”

After saying this, Marc fell silent.

Melissa probably knew what Marc meant.

Presumably, it was because Sarah was the daughter–in–law of the Gibson family and he could not punish her too much.

Because of this, Marc told Melissa these things and wanted to end this matter.

“Jane has been with Sarah for more than ten years. They deserve to leave like this.”

Marc started to sigh again, but Melissa frowned.

“Grandpa, I know what you mean.”

Hearing this, Marc raised his eyebrows.

“I know you are a good child. After all, she is Murray‘s mother.”

but was interrupted

like this. Even an emperor should be punished for his crimes like ordinary people. I think grandpa knows this truth.”

and her attitude was very firm.

family for dozens of years. She had worked hard for the Gibson

“She let my employee lie in

that Melissa was so firm, Marc couldn‘t say anything.

about Sarah on the Internet caused

behalf of the Gibson family, if something happened to her, everyone was waiting

already many people on the Internet condemning Sarah. As the daughter–in–law of a rich family, she did not pay attention to her words

full of complaints about Sarah, and Sarah‘s

of the Gibson family

find more information. Now, they could only say

one dared

silent for a long time. Seeing that Melissa

time was really unexpected. Even Marc didn‘t expect her

for Melissa not to agree to solve this matter like this, so he would do his best to satisfy Melissa.

wait, I‘ll be right

hung up the phone and called Sarah.

there was only one way to calm Melissa

the servants there to bring Sarah over. Now that Sarah was grounded, the servants there

and went straight

the same time, Sarah was stuffed into a car

ward needed to be quiet, he didn‘t bring many

the time. She

hand, accompanied her. Since things happened, they had to

reluctant. But since Marc was present, she could only silently hold


warmly welcomed her.

this, he glanced at Sarah, who was standing

and didn‘t want to look

is not

This undoubtedly

was so angry that she wanted to flare up, but when she found that there were cameras around the hospital, Marcand Murray had been staring at her, so

doing there?

changed his expression and scolded Sarah to come over. After all, it was disgraceful for people in their

“Go apologize.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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