Chapter 715 People are gone

The police sorted out what happened between Sally and Melissa in the past few days and found out that Finnegan was also involved.

Piece by piece, Finnegan’s motives for committing these crimes were further confirmed.

Meanwhile, in star Entertainment, it had been a few days since Melissa left, and the company was starting to be found lacking and lagging. If Melissa was not on ground, nearly everything would go wrong, if not everything.

And shayna could not sit still. Her family had been on her neck for money these days. Now she had no drama to film, because Melissa was not around to start one, and naturally no income.

She sat on the sofa and pondered for a long time, and after a while, the phone suddenly rang.

It was Mr. Lynn, whom Shayna had contacted before. Melissa was away these days, so she had to go out and find resources on her own.

After looking around, she didn’t have any guidance from Renita and the company, only Mr. Titus took the initiative to contact her.

It’s just that Mr. Lynn was a man with a big belly. He wore a pair of glasses, and he always looked lewd.

But Shayna also looked up information about Mr. Lynn on the Internet in advance, and found out that the movies he made were basically profitable, and the actors he hired were all famous shayna was a little puzzled because she was just a little star, and for some reason she was attracted to Mr. Lynn.

But in this situation, there was no stalling between them. It was either they kicked it off together on the right foot at once, or they didn’t. It could only be a dead horse or a living horse doctor.

Soon, shayna sorted it out, and then came to the place designated by Mr. Lynn to wait for him.

Strange to say, the place Mr. Lynn booked was not a restaurant, but a large bar. As soon as shayna walked in, she was frightened by the men and women who were reveling as loudly as possible…

Soon, Mr. Lynn’s voice came from behind, shayna turned around nervously, and found that Mr. Lynn was whisking the glass in his hand, obviously a little drunk.

“Miss shayna, you’re finally here. I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Mr Lynn said.

Mr. Lynn flashed a sinister smile, that fat hand was about to pat on Shayna’s shoulder, shayna swallowed hard, and subconsciously avoided it.

“Mr. Lynn, you’re drunk, we’ll talk about it next time.” shayna said.

Seeing that he didn’t get on it, Mr. Lynn immediately showed a dissatisfied look.: “What? °Miss Shayna, you dislike me? You don’t want to do business with me?” he asked.

the wronged expression on Mr. Lynn’s face, Shayna suppressed the fear in her heart

late and had you waiting for me, so I feel ashamed,” she


his hand on Shayna’s shoulder. The odor of the wine he had drunk, splashed on the tip of

bar was too loud for shayna

she was stepping

already getting ecstatic, some people

dare to look over, and closed his eyes tightly, but this scene

it’s a bit noisy here, come with me.” shayna was a little dissatisfied, but still nodded on the spaghetti, thinking that Mr. Lynn was going to leave

to be there because the crowd inside there was full of queer people.

shayna secretly sent a text message to

Lynn took her into an inner chamber, and when he got

scratched that two red

“Mr. Lynn…” Shayna muttered.

his expression became more

sit beside

and patted the seat

fixed, no matter how much Mr. Lynn shouted, she didn’t dare to take

already told her that it was

said come and sit here,” My

suddenly shouted so loudly that Shayna got

had to sit down beside

only good girls will be famous.” he

voice suddenly became softened again, he gently stroked Shayna’s arm, and kept sniffing her body, you could tell how much

this…” shayna

Lynn’s appearance and wanted to step back, but he

do you think you are going?” He

sniffing Shayna’s

suddenly remembered that

to run away, and got up abruptly, but Mr. Lynn grabbed


you know that the only way out for an I8th-tier star like you is to be attracted by directors like US…” Mr Lynn boasted, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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