Chapter 716 Is this closed?

In the villa on the island, Melissa sat in the room, biting her fingers lightly while glancing at the servant that was outside the door.

She felt a little dissatisfied, what sort of childcare was this?

Sending her to a place where she can’t go anywhere, and there were so many servants, as if imprisoned.

Thinking of Murray’s speechless appearance that day, Melissa seemed to have thought of something.

She touched her flat belly. It’s only been a month now, so naturally she won’t have a big belly.

However, what sort of fetus would make Mr. Marc so careful she took heaved in a deep breath., she didn’t have any electronic devices now, so she couldn’t communicate with the outside world, and she didn’t know what was going on with anyone outside, know how the people outside are now.

Melissa gritted her teeth, not knowing when Murray would find her, she hated the feeling of not being in control.

Melissa frowned, she opened the door, and the busy servants in front of her room stooped and bowed to her.

Mrs Melissa,” the servant muttered.

Melissa raised her eyebrows, these people were working for Mr. Marc, so, naturally they were all respectful and orderly.

“Tell me, where is this place?” Melissa asked.

Melissa looked around, and saw that Mr. Marc was not here, but as soon as she said this, the servants around her lowered their heads.


Melissa growled, probably because of her pregnancy, and her emotions that couldn’t be controlled for a while.

“We do not know.”

Several servants spoke in unison, which made Melissa even more indignant.

“What do you mean by taking me to this place where no one is?” Melissa asked.

She broke out in anger, and several of the servants bowed their heads lower.

serve you and raise your baby. We really don’t know anything.” the

so their

made sure that they told her absolutely nothing, so she had no choice than to go back to her

hard, could it be that she was really

something quickly, and after peeping to see that no one was watching her, she

“Ouch, my stomach hurts.”

take care of Melissa. If there was something

the matter with you?” A servant

pushed through the door with worry written all over his face quickly, Melissa was quick-witted,

the servant muttered

eyes widened, but Melissa covered his

this place?” Melissa

in front of her! coldly, she knew that the servants proved difficult, so she had to

fell from his eyes, and he hurriedly shook


a knife out of nowhere, and put it in

speak or not?”

afraid of hurting Melissa. Tears rolled down his cheeks

the knife, and let go of

please, don’t do that,” the servant


the upper left corner of the room and

you will take good care of yourself and the child,”

her brows slightly, why did she always feel

worrying thoughts.. He was just a servant,

in, and the servant that Melissa harassed,

room and body again, and

not expecting Mr. Marc to be so

that this time he spent a lot of effort on it, and Melissa sighed

sat at the top of the table, and she was

all standing in

food on the table was strictly based on a pregnant woman’s diet, and for the sake of the child in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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