Chapter 719 The child is gone

After Mr. Marc left, Murray didn’t pay him any more attention. He turned his head and looked at Melissa who was unconscious in front of him.

It had taken a long time, and Melissa showed no sign of waking up, which made Murray even more anxious.

He sent someone to remove her blood-stained clothes and lay her flat on the bed.

She was still very pale, looking like a dying patient.

Murray was distressed, and soon the doorbell rang outside the door.

He frowned and opened the door to find the doctor standing there.

This was the best doctor in the country, and now that Melissa was in a coma, it was not easy to transfer her to the city, so the doctor had to make this trip.

Although they traveled by plane, the trip still took some time.

“Doctor, I’m sorry to bother you. Welcome” Murray said with a muffled voice, and stepped back to allow the doctor in.

Oh, come on, sir. This is my job. I’m doing my job,” the doctor replied, and walked into the room, holding his medical apparatus.

Originally, this place was used to raise Melissa’s unborn child.. Due to her sudden health relapse, Mr. Marc asked someone to bring over the best hospital equipment early in the morning.

As a result of this, Melissa’s room was filled with all kinds of apparatus, and there was no need to go to the hospital.

This gave Melissa a comfortable environment, and she could recover well.

Murray was relieved, and the servants brought the apparatus in.

The doctor first gave Melissa a general examination, and then checked the situation in her abdomen. The fetus was not yet formed. Although it was a miscarriage, according to Melissa’s physical condition, a miscarriage was just a matter of time.

If the child was gone earlier, it was best for her body.

bigger, Melissa’s body would not have been able to support

anxiety and tension were detected, which may be due to

doctor explained Melissa’s

all listened quietly,

in the few days that


them to the servant next to him: ‘’she is in a coma and can’t eat, so she can only be temporarily supported with vitality solvents. These bottles of potions will be given to her


inserted into Melissa’s delicate hand, and Murray watched

was hospitalized for an infusion a few days ago, and now she has to go through the same

leaned down and stroked Melissa’s plump forehead, slowly

beautiful, but her body

potions and nutrients to survive, and Murray would change her clothes every day, turn her over, and

the bed, her eyes

warm sunlight filtered into the room through the screen window, Melissa’s face gradually turned rosy, and her

Melissa’s bed, and he watched

“Murray…” Melissa whispered.

up, a familiar voice

turned his head and saw that Melissa’s eyes were

You’re awake,” He yelped.

heart was so excited that he

need to drink water,” Melissa

Melissa’s very hoarse voice, Murray turned to get her a cup of hot water, even though she

Murray, shook her head, and looked at the infusion in her hand

infusion the doctor gave you.” Murray said, seeing that Melissa looked sad, and there was

the coolness under her body, and when she looked down, bursts of blood seeped out from

was going to ask him this question. Even though he had thought about how

alive?” Melissa asked again, only this time in a slightly emotional

doctor said, you can’t afford to be upset,” Murray

will have other children in the future.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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