Chapter 718 Find her

“The limit here is 160 thousand dollars, can you tell me the truth now?” Murray asked.

Ruby looked at the check in front of her and was stunned. Although she had been working with Mr. Marc for many years, this was the first time she had held a check with such a large amount.

“I was taking care of Ms. Melissa at the villa yesterday and was transferred back at night.”

Hearing the whereabouts of Melissa, Murray sat up suddenly.

“Where?” He asked with a surprised, yet furious tone.

“On a deserted beach, but I was there by plane, Mr. Marc wouldn’t let us use electronic devices, so, I can’t tell exactly where it is,” Ruby confessed.

Murray frowned, not expecting Mr. Marc was so guarded, that even the servants beside him were kept in the dark.

So, Mr Marc had been pulling strings behind the scenes, and that was the reason he had not been able to contact Melissa for a while now.

“He thought that the only way for the psychiatrist to get to the villa is to have someone follow him,” Ruby said.

“Then can you contact the servant over there?” Murray asked, and Ruby paused for a second, and nodded “We had a dedicated phone number, but it was only to Ruby said.

Murray made a phone call and asked the psychiatrist to board Mr. Marc’s private jet, while he sent someone on his own plane to follow them not far behind..

In this way, they would find out where Melissa was..

“You help me contact the servants over there, and let them cooperate with me to rescue Melissa. After this is done, I will reward you.” Murray told Ruby.

Ruby did as she was asked to and called the servant over at the island villa where Melissa was kept..

It was servant’s business, so Mr. Marc never asked about it.

Soon, Ruby colluded with the servants at the villa and waited for Murray’s people to show up.

The plane carrying the psychiatrist soon arrived at the destination, and just after he got off the plane, he was led to the villa.

description of the servant, Melissa is in a very bad

clenched his fists, wishing only that Melissa

came to the beach, avoided the security guard’s line of sight, and entered

destroyed by the servants in advance, so at this time, Mr. Marc did not

as expected, Melissa was grunting

sounded painful and disappointing, and Murray’s heart

mentally. She sat on the

be more painful than being locked up in

by this sudden child that disrupted

worse and because she had bothered the fetus, she felt excruciating pain in her

in pain,

was bad, he hurriedly pushed in the door and saw that Melissa’s

muttered, as he hurried forward to hug

“Doctor, call a doctor.”

pool of blood, his heart had never been

the doctor will be here soon.” Murray told her with a

did you find me here?” Melissa asked Murray

Melissa’s inner last line of defense was completely defeated, and she rested her head on

sorry I just found you after a long time,”

held back his anger and

me out

hand stroked Murray’s

get out

hold on anymore, and she

collapsed on the floor, and hurriedly asked someone to carry

time and

Murray was completely focused

the pulse for Melissa.

the doctor shook his

had a misacrriage,” he announced.

body shudder

fetus. Her mood was not right in the past two days, she stressed the fetus several times, which was even more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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