Chapter 721 Compensation for you

Melissa stood outside the door and snorted, then handed the keys to Murray.

She didn’t want to do something as cruel as this, but Mr. Marc did such a terrible thing and was still acting as if he was in his rights. It made Melissa very upset.

Although Mr. Marc was very kind to her at the beginning, after helping her send Mrs. Gibson abroad, the relationship between the two had always been quite satisfactory.

And now, he had done this sort of thing to her. It was unacceptable.

Murray understood this and didn’t rebuke her.

Soon, the door opened, and the first person they saw was Mr. Marc, who had slumped on the ground.

Seeing that Mr. Marc was on the floor in a queer way, Melissa didn’t budge. She stayed on her feet, looking at him as he was on the floor. And on Mr Marc’s part, he was drained because he was about to compromise his respect and reputation and bow to a younger person. He was about to spoil the fervent relationship that the Gibson family had with Melissa..

“Grandpa, are you all right?” Murray asked.

He was a neutral person in the rift between Mr Marc and Melissa, so he had to step forward and help.

Mr. Marc shouted at the door all through last night, but the soundproof of the door was so good that no servants could hear him.

Because of this, he sat in the corner of the room all night without falling asleep.

Mr. Marc was already a little tired at this time, he didn’t want to raise his eyes, so he just shook his head.

Murray looked anxious and had to call for a doctor.

“No need for a doctor.” Mr. Marc stopped Murray: “I know my body.” he added.

Then, he looked at Melissa with a cold stare. :

“Are you satisfied to see me like this?” He asked her.

“Isn’t that how you treated me too?”

Melissa disapproved and said this indifferently.

both rebellious people, and naturally they didn’t like the feeling of

the unborn child, Mr. Marc

relationship with Melissa

are very tired, go back to rest

had no choice but to act as a peacemaker, helping Mr. Marc

Melissa was still standing at the door, Murray had

sick. You don’t look good at all after all this.. Go back to

up, worried that her body would

fact that Murray was not outrightly rebuking Mr Marc. She got up and went

Marc suddenly appeared to

looked back, worried that he was about to start quarreling with Melissa. He

me abroad.” Mr

soon as these words came out of Mr Marc’s lips, Melissa and Murray narrowed

such a


Melissa, who was not

action against Mr Marc to do this, but since Mr. Marc took the initiative by himself, she was too embarrassed to

and he could

He did things his way,

used to be, now his relationship with Melissa had deteriorated, and he didn’t know how much they would fall apart

could Melissa not know that Mr Marc was not Mrs Gibson who could be sent abroad just like

had been in the business world for so many years and had certain contacts and

Mr. Marc did agree to such a thing, she still had

it was Mr. Marc’s own request, Murray had no reason to refute

had no

already made Mr. Marc to feel exactly how she felt about being imprisoned, and

pouted lightly, and

her and did not forget to book tickets

the industry of domestic companies

had a certain amount of shares, and many major events still had to be under

about to rush abroad to retire, he still had to think about what

the company documents and

saw that Murray was hiding something.. She leaned forward and

Marc was clearly written on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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