Chapter 722 One night’s popularity

Melissa had still been absent from her company, the Star Entertainment Group. No one had been in charge of anything, and so the staff appointed Calvin as the leader to take Melissa’s place until further notice.

Calvin’s reputation in the company was okay, so many employees were willing to follow his lead.

Although Calvin belonged to Shayna, his work and personal affairs were separated, and he did not put all the good resources into the hands of Shayna.

But soon, the company welcomed a new staff..

Because Melissa was away, the company had not been out to recruit people for a long time. But Calvin saw that the company was getting deserted by the day, so he had to recruit a few people.

“Supervisor, Mr. Burton.”

Calvin was sitting in his office, reviewing documents, when he heard someone come in. He put down his work.

The person who came in was Jennifer, a newly recruited entertainer in the past two days.

But this entertainer was different from other entertainers in the company. Her appearance was perfect, but in the entertainment industry, there were countless good-looking people.

But Calvin recruited her for another reason. He happened to see Jennifer in the corner singing, and he was attracted in just a few seconds..

Not only that, but he also found that Jennifer had many other qualities, even her acting skills were outstanding. The video of a crying scene that Jennifer acted that day had already been circulated on the company’s radar..

As a result, Calvin was even more optimistic about Jennifer.

“What’s wrong?” Calvin asked with his magnetic voice.

“I’ve almost finished my training in the past two days. I don’t know, when will I be able to sing?” Jeniifer asked.

complained that her family was poor, so she was in a hurry to release new work

asked and

sing and I’ll listen. Since you insist that you are


started, Calvin

“Fantastic,” he yelped.

how she

of difficulty. At first, Calvin doubted whether it was reliable to hand it to a newcomer, but now he was sure that

studio to record in the


took a bow, and

first time recording a song, Jennifer was not nervous at all. She managed the microphone and

Jennifer’s singing voice a lot. After just one take in the studio, the

computer, but Jennifer’s tone was excellent,

very satisfied and released the song on the

was mediocre, but soon, with Jennifer’s beautiful singing voice and stunning appearance, it attracted a large number

and powerful online were easily valued

while, and it was considered a big deal.. As soon as this

she did not imagine or expect that so many people would like her

the data on the Internet getting better,

only one who supported Star Entertainment. It had been a long time since the company had a good outing. Now there was Jennifer, whose business potential was also excellent

conditions were very good, and it was also an excellent existence

sat in an office chair, flipping through the

was the internet after all, and there will inevitably be some keyboard warriors in the comments,

twenty-four hours,, her fans had quietly risen by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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