Chapter 723 Taking care of stray cats

Calvin gritted his teeth and immediately called an emergency PR, in a bid to deal with the issue once and for all.
Although there was no complete evidence to prove that Jennifer was innocent, with the company’s handling, the issue was temporarily suppressed.

Jennifer sat blankly in her office.. She couldn’t accept the way her colleagues were looking at her, so she stayed away and sat by herself in a daze.

Now that her dirty past had been dug up, the company could not bring her forward for endorsements and other commitments, in order to manage the situation..

As a result of this, Jennifer was idle.

Fortunately, the previously released songs brought a certain amount of income to the company, so it served as an outlet to make the scandal hovering around her stick less. Also, there was no heavy loss facing the company’s pocket.

It’s just that Jennifer continued to receive all sorts of abuse from netizens on her twitter page, so she was forced to disable the comments.

Meanwhile, at the villa, Melissa’s illness had almost recovered, and her outward appearance had become bright and rosy. She was no longer pale.

Compared to the previous weakness, her limbs had now returned to normal, and she could get out of bed and walk casually.

Only that, sometimes, she will stroke her flat belly, thinking of his unborn child.

Mr. Marc was sent abroad so that his life would be more peaceful.

Melissa took good care of herself, and Murray was determined not to stay at the villa any longer, so he took Melissa and a group of servants back to the city..

Looking at the familiar environment, Melissa heaved a deep sigh of relief and smiled euphemistically.

Thinking of the depressing life at the beach before, she was overwhelmed by relief and happiness.

Now that she has returned home, all difficulties could be solved easily.

Just after returning, Melissa was ready to return to the company, but she had a lot of work to do to recover. This time, instead of driving, she took a walk and watched the surrounding scenery.

Usually she was in a hurry to go to work, so she didn’t have time to stop and take a look around her, but now she stopped and took a closer look, it was really a different scenario..

She found it pleasing to the eye, and in the end, she stopped in front of a small alley.

memory, this small alley was never

of curiosity, Melissa poked her head inside, and saw a kitten lying on the ground basking in the

leaned into the kitten to

would close its eyes, and occasionally purr comfortably. “Little orange, it’s time to

the sun on her back. The golden

only to see

Melissa, and Melissa froze for a moment, and

little girl gently lifted the kitten’s neck

again? Do you want

cute and sunny girl in front of her,

cat?” She asked

no.” The girl shook

take care of them in my spare

she replied.

aroused Melissa’s interest, and


then assessed Melissa: “I don’t think you

turned around and walked

finally came to a corner, and

“Wow.” Melissa cooed.

up, and she squatted gently, stroking the backs of these

they are very good

pouted and called out to the small

stood up one after another, rubbing

big litter by yourself.” Melissa

amused by these kittens and puppies, and from time to time she would

that this girl was also very good-looking, with a pair of big

I’ll come and see when I’m free. If I

Melissa said.

and took the orange cat


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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