Chapter 747 Die Together

Soon, Jacky found a car on the road. Without giving it a second thought, he threw Melissa into it, and sat in the driver’s seat with the accelerator on his foot.

Murraywas already trying to chase them and just then he saw

Jackydrive away in his car, and the police behind him just rushed up in a police car.

Murray hurried and got into the car as he was chasing Jacky’s car.,

“Let me go otherwise it won’t be good for you.”

Melissa threatened him. Jacky had tied up her hands and she rolled over and over in the backseat with force before she fell down straightly.

“Calm down my dear Melissa.” Jacky said viciously as he drove hastily.

After a while, he stepped on the accelerator as low as possible and drove all the way, and in the end, the car came to a dead end.

The first thing he noticed after the car came to a halt was police’s car which wasn’t able to catch them. He took a deep breath and felt a pang of relief.

He stopped the car, lifted Melissa easily, and threw it on the firewood beside him.

“What the hell are you doing?”

Melissa yelled as she didn’t know why he brought her there?

“You better shut up otherwise you have no idea about what I can do to you?”

Meanwhile Jacky was holding a leach that is often used to tie around a pet’s neck.

Melissa knew that she had no strength to compete with the cruel man standing in front of her and she could only blame her destiny.

She calmed down and looked around her surroundings in case she could find something to get away from him.

“Murray will chase you even from hell and then you have no idea about what he will do to you. You still have time, so leave me and reprimand yourself.” Melissa gave him a distasteful look and a clear warning. As Jacky was still injured and blood was oozing out of his arm, he ignored her.

“Sh!!! Don’t make noise now.” He shushed her and looked at his arm, the blood was still flowing. While fighting back the pain, he sat down on the ground and pulled out the bullet from his wound. “what……”

the sky, and

without a doctor,

She shook

Melissa’s stares, he ripped off his shirt and bandaged

he took out his shirt, his chest was exposed and Melissa closed her

he saw Melissa’s nervous expression, and then he laughed

are you laughing?”

conversation with the intention of diverting him; maybe she will be able to stop him till the time Murray could

and then they stopped at the traces of blood. Being such a sharp witted man, it was a pity for Jacky that he didn’t notice his blood that was dripping throughout the way from where they

they reached the alley, the traces of blood were gone. Previously it was dripping

“Strange,” She whispered.

I never noticed you before. You indeed have

she didn’t realize Jacky’s heated gaze on her face.. He didn’t usually look at Melissa carefully, but today was an exception. His eyes were never leaving her and he didn’t know how many

that, “What does he want to do?” She thought.Seeing Melissa’s silence, Jacky shook his head in disappointment and he walked into a house in

pushed your husband away for a while so tonight I can stop and take a rest here.” He informed her. Unexpectedly when he stood up,


and her orbs almost popped out of her sockets, not realizing that Jacky was staring at her and he had explosives

in the room was a fake one, these

underestimating him, I am afraid that I will die with

her teeth, and Jacky looked

if you are afraid. I want to hear

and Melissa closed her eyes, reluctant to look at


escape, he used such a

would be dead by then.But if they can’t reach us soon, my

eyes in anticipation.

this matter will reach its

unconsciously thought about grandpa. His smiling face, worried

though he was one of the most influential figures and the head of the Eugen family, he always treated her as

no time for her mind to invade her thoughts with Murray, the man she

know how Murray will accept this.” She


police’s voice resounded

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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