Chapter 748 Asking for it

“I’m fine.”

Melissa shook her head, she was so exhausted by then that her legs were already giving up and it wasn’t possible for her to stand by herself.

“Thank you for saving me.”

She said in a low tone and fell into Murray’s arms. She was barely reaching his shoulders and then his arms were around her. Her heart exploded as his strong arms pulled her against his chest. She was back to her home, this is where she belongs.It brought a sense of protectiveness to her. “Everything is alright now.”

Murray was trying to calm Melissa down. Moments ago, he was no less than a beast and now he was as soft as cotton. Melissa fell into Murray’s arms, and after a while, he fell asleep because he was exhausted.

Murray pulled back and cupped Melissa’s face,” I am with you. You don’t have to be scared of anyone.”

She nodded. Bending over, he wrapped his arms around her petite figure and she squeezed him.It felt magnificent when she rose up a little and circled her arms around his neck. His hands slid off her waist and whispered in her ear, “Let’s head back to hospital.”

Murray took Melissa back to the hospital, while Jacky was taken to the police station by the police.

Unexpectedly, Murray found him so fast, he had really underestimated him.

Over the years, Murray has been hiding his strength, and no one has seen his true skills until today.

Because of Melissa, he was on the police radar, he acted so bluntly and caught by the investigating team.

Jacky was taken to the investigation room whereas the remaining employees who were originally at the investigating sites were arrested and now everything was solved and ended at the satisfactory note.

And now, it was time to start Jacky Knight’s interrogation.

Undoubtedly he had a fake gun, which the police can not investigate for the time being, but he still has explosives.

It was unbelievable. Y Everyone knows that the state strictly controls explosives, and it is generally impossible for these military items to leak into the hands of the ordinary people.

In addition, Jacky was suspected for being a part of a trafficking group, and not to forget recently he also kidnapped Melissa to threaten the investigating team, and even stored explosives. Judging from the various crimes, it was impossible for him to escape legal and criminal proceedings.

In the interrogation room, police were interrogating Jacky and were trying to find out about the people behind him.

They didn’t get much from his interrogation but soon they ended up guessing who were helping Jacky.

TheTimothy family.

Timothy family’s business and they were suspected of running black business, and at that time Jacky Knight was

because of the Timothy family, he was released from

pointing back to the

where everyone was cursing Jacky for his crimes. Jacky Knight was a serious criminal who had committed some serious crimes. Now when Reid Timothy

myself?” He loosened his neck tie and

should we

asked him, now that Jacky Finnegan has committed such

was released on bail, in

on the sofa, regretting

that. I wish I could have chosen a

matter of Jacky was publicized on the Internet, and the Timothy family was being regarded as his companion in his crimes. Reading that Reid hurriedly opened the official blog of the Timothy Group and clarified: “The Timothy family has

Jacky getting bailed out with the help of the Timothy family spread

a large number of people’s

okay to get bailed out but

Reid Timothy tweeted again.

need a reasonable explanation, not just a

released on bail, Reid Timothy was

that we bailed him out without any reason,

of the Timothy family

public service bureau. We request you to cooperate with our investigation. Don’t force us to take strict

Timothy was startled and asked Reid Timothy in a low

have no choice. Should I

miserable, and Wilson Timothy rushed over to


the police, trying to lure police so that they would show mercy

“Mr. Corbin.”

attention to these small actions, and rushed

have to trust us. We are law-abiding citizens. How could

tried to explain, distancing himself far away from Jacky, but the police weren’t in a mood

now. Even if you have nothing to do with Jacky Knight, we still need to

policeman said with a cold face, and Wilson Timothy on

can’t we just sit down,

Timothy, but the police were clearly

people outside there are very angry, and the victim can’t wait. This

there anything we

arm, Reid

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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