Chapter 751 Forcing a smile

Melissa slowly opened her eyes, rubbed them, and saw Murray carrying breakfast towards her.She looked at the wall clock in the room, it was half past nine.She was a little surprised

“Isn’t it Monday? Why haven’t you gone to work yet?” She asked Murray

Murray raised his eyebrows and placed the food in front of Melissa.

“It doesn’t matter,” he replied..

Melissa twitched the corners of her lips to reveal a feisty smile. She scoffed in disbelief.

“The boss is not supposed to break any rules. You are late for work,” Melissa said to Murray. However, she remembered that she was also the boss of her company, yet she was still in bed, so she came to her senses.

Looking at the food in front of her, Melissa’s eyes suddenly lit up.

It had been a while since she ate a meal from the local food vendors. She remembered how famous they were back when she used to patronize them a lot. It used to take forever to get a meal on queue.

“When did you buy it?” Melissa asked, taking the meal from Murray, and starting to eat it.

“Don’t worry about it,” Murray replied, and smiled softly. Seeing Melissa eating the meal heartily, he felt relaxed.

At this time, Melissa was wearing a patient’s uniform, with no makeup on her face, giving a very pure aura.

After eating and drinking, she touched her belly with satisfaction.

Murray had been by her side these days, and he made sure that all the meals that Melissa ate were well balanced.

After all, after these days of staying in bed throughout the day and night without exercise, Melissa’s thin face added some weight, and her stomach started to bulge as well.

Seeing this, Melissa puffed up her cheeks.

“It’s all your fault, you have made me fat!” she said to Murray.

“You are still so thin, you should have eaten more,” he replied.

smiled and stroked Melissa’s plump


deal with some company affairs at this time.

and pointed at Murray’s

going to have a video conference today?” She

Murray asked, he

doesn’t matter if I don’t go to work, the most

me right now is to be with

was not used

the ward and did not

to do. Now Murray was with her all day,

the kind of person who had a brain for love. She felt that falling in love did not require two people to stick together all day long. Now that she had achieved so

and lay on the bed, thinking about what happened

days in a row, Murray spent more time with Melissa, as if he

say much while she was

to enjoy the beautiful scenery, but Murray was worried that she was too weak to be there, and he would take her back indoors after two

at Star Entertainment, the two trainees came back to the company after the competition. After Melissa had talked business deals with the

trainees were now known on the internet,

Melissa. “It was Meli who helped us win the competition, so that we can have our

coming to thank Melissa for a while, but her schedule was so packed that she never had the chance

time, I hurried down here,” the trainee

in the company at the moment,” the front desk staff replied. Calvin

ill was well known, Murray had instructed that nobody should disturb her, so the only

Where did she go?” The trainee

desk staff kept her mouth shut, unable to answer


then, Calvin

the two trainees from a distance, and knowing that

worthy goal recently, it seemed that they had come to

words, Calvin could only step forward and ask them

helped us a lot last time. We came here to thank her,” one

After what she did for us, our resources have also improved a lot, and we are grateful,” another of the trainees

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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