Chapter 752 Discharge

The masseuse was a woman, how could she have such bulky fingers? Melissa wondered, then she turned and saw Murray massaging her.

“What are you doing?’Melissa asked and blushed. The dignified Mr Murray Gibson was actually working as her masseuse.

“I massaged my wife, what’s the matter?” Murray asked. He smiled softly, and allowed Melissa to relax so that he could give her a proper massage.

It had to be said that Murray’s approach was comparable to that of a professional.

At first he was worried that Melissa would be so picky,that she would not be satisfied with his massaging technique, so he secretly studied for a few days.

So far, the effect was very good.

“Would you like to sleep?” Murray asked, seeing that Melissa’s eyes were struggling to stay open.


Melissa replied softly, this ambiguous scene made the female masseuse next to them bow her head.

They had called her to come for a massage, now not only was she used for a massage, but she was watching this ambiguous behavior from Murray and his wife that left her uncomfortable.

“Then sleep for a while, and I’ll sleep too,” Murray said softly, and was about to tuck Melissa in when she suddenly resisted..

“No, I have to go to the flower shop to help later,” she yelped.

She sat up. Murray had been looking at her with desire r these days, which made her a little uncomfortable.

In order not to sexually indulge Murray every day, Melissa went to the flower shop more frequently during this time.

“You’re so tired, you’ll be fine after you rest for a while,” Murray said.

He was helpless and coaxed Melissa to stay indoors, but Melissa’s eyes were firm and she shook her head.

“No, IPromised the workers that I would be there soon!” Melissa insisted.

Murray had no choice but to allow her rest for a while.. After half an hour, he sent Melissa back to the flower shop.

Soon, after days of dealing with flowers and plants in the flower shop, Melissa’s mood gradually stabilized.

life had become more regular, and she

irregular sleep patterns like before. She

came to the lawn downstairs

a deep breath and walked back and forth, feeling the warmth of the

The warm sunlight shining

side, took a bottle

much of a

days, Melissa was responding fast and positively to treatment. Not only was her body recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, but even the anxiety disorder that the doctor talked about,

replied with a nod, and handed the water

the bottle of water from her,, and the series of actions between the two seemed very cordial and

I’m almost in good shape,” Melissa

looked up at her, the girl’s cheeks

wrong? Where are you hurrying to?” Murray asked. He reached out and

I left the company, and I

enough, she still proposed the idea of going

was at the flower shop, but the urge subsided when she thought

health had gradually improved, she thought she

at this point, Murray’s

so sick this time, yet you want to go to the company after just a few days of being

there was no need to be hard on him, and he won’t budge. She decided to cajole

for so long, so let me have a

his hand firmly,

Melissa did this, and Murray saw her tender appearance,

weak for that at the moment. What are you going to do?” Murray

said. Murray was still a little worried because, these days Melissa’s color was a little rosy, but her

“No, thanks,” Melissa replied.

felt dizzy when she heard that she was going to see a

days, she was definitely starting to get bothered. “Didn’t the doctor say that I had recovered perfectly a few days ago? And am I not stronger and more buoyant anytime I visit the flower shop? Am I not better now?” Melissa

nodded, and Melissa said

you work endlessly. What if your body can’t take it anymore?” Murray

I know that I have just recovered from a serious illness, so I

Murray asked. He

“I’m serious,” Melissa replied.

hours to give you peace

Hearing this, Murray smiled.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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