Chapter 760 Internet Storm

"Did this Alice person come into Mr. Clench's discipleship through the back door? Can Mr Clench bear to be the mentor of such great plagiarizer?" Netizens continued to wonder.

"This Alice person does not take other people's achievements seriously, I really look down on people like that!” another netizen commented.

Some other people complained on Melissa's twitter page about the work that was plagiarized. This was something that everyone was very angry about. For a while, Melissa was also pushed to the hot search.

"Bad people will be severely punished, don't worry!" A netizen wrote.

"Defend the genuine, resist plagiarism!” Another said.

Melissa was also a little confused when she looked at the comments, but as she saw more and more comments, it started to become clearer to her.

Just when she was about to post a clarification, the company called for an emergency meeting so she had to put down the matter at hand.

On the other hand, Alice soon found out that public opinion was getting worse by the minute. Looking at the abuse against him on the Internet, he couldn't accept it.

As a disciple of Malcolm Clench, he was admired by millions of people when he made his debut. When has he ever received such abuse and ridicule?

It was unreasonable to say that he plagiarized, it made him feel wronged.

He posted a clarification, but the response was mediocre, and many people even laughed at it, and did not dare to accept it.

"That's all Clench's apprentice is about? I thought he was a decent person,”

"Plagiarism is shameful, drive the plagiarists out!" a furious netizen replied to Alice's clarification.

The insults kept rolling out against Alice.

Alice couldn't accept the feeling of being bullied online, so he had no choice but to close the Twitter comments.

Without a place to vent their anger, everyone turned to Malcolm Clench's twitter account.

Although, due to Malcolm Clench's high reputation, they didn't dare to say too much, they only exhorted him to keep his eyes open when accepting disciples.

about plagiarism. This work was completed under his guidance. Although he was the instructor,

allegation go away. He knew that if

find out the truth about the

Clench visited

took him directly to Melissa's office. He waited all afternoon in Melissa's office, and finally, Melissa came

to the office, Melissa

so pale, Murray

you not to work so hard? You don't ever

distressedly. It was normal for Melissa to feel drained. She was just recovering from a serious illness, and had just been busy with

don't worry about me," Melissa said, and forced a smile on her face. She handed the document in

help me hold

you okay?" Murray

hand, and made her sit

you doing?” Melissa

that there were so many

are drained, I will not allow you

insistence and poignance made Melissa

people here, let me

let go of her waist,

they opened the door to the office, they found

of what had been going on over the internet, she

go outside and wait, I'll have a few words with him,” Melissa

out the door, and his face instantly

had not had a chance to have a closed

you are always so busy with work, I didn’t want to disturb you, but I really had no

call her, because the meeting was urgent, but Melissa didn't have time to bring her

this be considered a disturbance?" Melissa asked and smiled. Her glance and line of sight were very euphemistic

that I was a little busy just now, and I didn't

I Know you're busy,” Malcolm

turned on his phone and opened

hot search? It's about one of my apprentices. I didn’t want to pay any attention to it at first, as I didn't expect things to get worse, so I had to find

the phone from him and looked at it,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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