Chapter 761 Plagiarism

Since it was not Melissa's painting, why would anyone think to use her in particular as the one being stolen from.

"It seems that someone deliberately planted me on the head. I have never had a so-called trumpet," Melissa explained, looking at the tweet from the parody account that was impersonating her. His tweets sounded off, and spoke nothing of her style.

But in the man's album, many pictures of Melissa were found.

No wonder some people take this twitter account as her's, such a planned series of operations were obviously intentional.

"Well, let me help you investigate this matter first," Melissa said.

Since it was related to the reputation of Malcolm, she had to ensure that it was investigated carefully.

Her eyes froze, and she experienced a bout of anger for a while.

This act by whoever was involved was done to deliberately make the relationship between the mentors and apprentices strained, and it was unexpected that there would be such people that exist to want that sort of thing to happen..

"Really? That would be really tasking for you,” Malcolm replied with enthusiasm.

He was a little distressed. Melissa was much thinner than last time, and there was a lot of uproar about her illness on Twitter, which seemed to be serious from where he was standing.

"It's okay, that is what I should do,” Melissa replied.

Melissa looked at Alice's work through her professional lens and smiled. From start to finish, every detail was handled very well. For a while Melissa appreciated it even more.

"Alice drew this? It's pretty good,” she remarked.

The more she examined it, the more she admired it.

"Yeah, I personally directed this painting, and it took a lot of effort," Malcolm said with an affirmative nod, and then he suddenly looked regretful.

"I just didn’t expect that such a good work would be called plagiarism. The Internet is getting more and more confusing nowadays,” he said.

Malcolm sighed warily, and Melissa shook her head, it was something she was used to.

are a lot of cases like this, so be careful

bid to comfort Malcolm and then she turned on

help you find out who this work really belongs to, and see who the thief is calling to catch the thief," an anonymous message suddenly popped up

eyes darkened, and then she turned off the

to Melissa, studied how she reacted

between them was empty for a few seconds, and

The longer he thought about it sitting outside his wife's office, the angrier he was. Why was Malcolm visiting his wife? He had been inside the

Malcolm and Melissa so close together, and for a while he

are you doing here?" Melissa

Murray was


Murray, he came to me


Alice on the internet. He didn't expect that even this

just recovered from a serious illness, and had begun to

"Mr. Gibson."

Murray. He


at the moment, Alice was more important, so he

Murray, Melissa returned to her

elements in Alice's paintings, and searched for similar pictures on major

large group of hackers to tag along. In the vast network, she must find out

a disciple of Malcolm Clench, Alice was absolutely impossible to have plagiarized. He was one that was envied by many

many people who wanted to see him fall, which is why he

not true, Melissa will try

days, the apprentices under the name

time, Melissa had to

work similar to Alice’ on twitter.

it and saw that

of this work was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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