Chapter 764 The never-ending abuse

Seeing that the public opinion on the internet was becoming intensely out of control, Melissa became a little helpless. She hired a large number of allies and published a long series of articles on twitter, but in exchange for it, she received endless abuse.

Public opinion got out of hand and fanatics chased after Star Entertainment, scoldingMelissa for shamelessness, and finally got blasted away by Melissa's security guards.

More and more condemnation swirled in Melissa's ears, as she often hugged her head tightly to keep herself from losing her mind.

But the more she tried to control her emotions, the more she thought about the issue at hand, and the pain that had been suppressed deep in her heart suddenly burst out.

"Ah," she yelped.

Melissa wailed in pain, and Murray hurried over from outside the door.

He thought about public opinion on the internet, remembered Melissa's illness, worried that something would happen to her, and hurried over.

"Melissa!" he shouted.

Murray hurriedly ran over to hug her and kept calming her emotions.

"It's okay, it's okay..." he coaxed her.


Melissa kept whispering these words, and it made Murray very distressed.

"They are the ones that are lost, not you. There's no need to feel bad for them,” Murray told Melissa, stroking her hair and her back, trying to make her quiet. But Melissa was wild on this occasion, and was unstoppable. She hissed like a beast.

"Don't touch me!" she yelped.

She shoved Murray away, and her eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

"Don't touch me, don't come here!” she shouted.

Murray looked at Melissa in front of him, he was a little dazed.

remembered what

is a symptom of


earlier, and now she was

hug Melissa, but at this time, Melissa was not allowing anyone to approach her. She was holding a knife, with which she would pierce herself with

night posted

watched Melissa's press conference in the morning and couldn't help responding

to accuse me of plagiarism for no reason.”

sad, we have your back!"

speedy recovery from

Dark night released another painting. Sure enough, this new work was similar to Alice's work

even said that the

the dark corners of Dark night's mouth

deep breath. He was relieved when

way Melissa could continue like this. She had to be treated

in the first place,

Melissa like this,

come to tell her that the

the woman who tortured Melissa into such

on twitter to check on

after seeing Melissa's press conference, Dark

night was celebrating some sort of victory this

twitter profile, and found

night. Dark night's surname and the

dispatched his men to find out the true identity behind who Dark

had tortured Melissa into such a state,

and he strode in. The anger exuding from his body made people

came out. Seeing Murray's face full of haze, he didn't even dare to pay attention

on her,

patients that have been in this hospital," he said

raised his eyebrows inquisitively, and the little staff's eyes widened when

not to disclose the patient's information casually,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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