Chapter 765

Someone always wants to hurt me She took the initiative to open a live broadcast room and cried a lot there.

"Some time ago, my depression was treated, but recently it broke out again, and I had to tell the truth...” she whined.

She choked nervously and her eyes were slightly red, but this time netizens no longer bought her explanation.

"Why don't you go to the doctor? Instead, you plagiarized Alice's work as a room to vent, and now you don't know how to repent, and use depression to win our sympathy! " someone commented in Dark night's live broadcast.

For a while, the group was angry, and after looking at these comments, Dark night was slightly dazed.

"Because, because my parents often abuse me domestically so I got depressed again," Dark night claimed.

As soon as Dark night said this, netizens expressed their doubts.

But soon, Dark night revealed his arm, and netizens saw that a purple scar was on it.

The netizens who were watching took a deep, surprised breath.. They never imagined that someone would suffer such a situation at home, Dark night!

"It's your business if you were domestically abused, but you plagiarized Alice's works and it had a serious impact on Alice and others," a netzen said.

Seeing that someone was still hammering on plagiarism in the comments, Dark night shed a few more tears.

"Why don't you believe me? These works were painted by me,” Dark night insisted.

In the past, Dark night said that it was his original work, and some people saw that he was depressed and pitied him, so they didn't bring up the plagiarism issue.

Now, Dark night long confirmed that he did not have depression anymore, and he has come out to talk about it still lingering, so netizens did not buy it.

Soon, another netizen revealed that Dark night lived with his grandfather since childhood, and had not been with his parents all the year round.

Some people also found out that the scars on Dark night's hand were intentionally drawn by Dark night himself.

Currently, no matter how Dark night explained, netizens did not believe him.

can we trust someone who has deceived us from the beginning? Netizens


quickly found his

as the internet police received the news, they notified

all, plagiarism was a big deal in this circle, and national laws clearly stipulate that no

issues and backlash on the internet, and carried out his former threat by actually jumping

came to visit Dark

healer and practitioner, who had gained a lot of respect in the community

and everyone knew who he was and where he

police greeted

the police, the old

inconvenience in his legs

this your grandson's

the old man, who frowned and looked at the twitter


play with flowers like this,”

old man hadn't realized what his grandson had done, the police explained to him in detail what Dark

man's eyes

and do all this?" He

accurate response, the old man

Alice. I am usually busy with work, and I rarely have time to take care of him. I didn't expect him to do this. It's

how sorry he

the elders to

this regard, I would like to thank you, Dr.

thanked the old man, and

of all this," the old man assured the police, and after they left,

soon as he got home, he

just finished the live broadcast, and saw that netizens no


Dark night heard the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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