Chapter 768 Always with you

Looking at the backs of the two ladies walking away, Calvin flashed an evil smile.

The next day, Calvin came to the company early, took the loving breakfast he made in the morning, sat in the staff office, waiting for Shayna to come to work.

Sure enough, as usual, at 8:48 AM, Shayna showed up in the company.

Calvin smiled.

In the past, Shayna stepped through the door of the company at this exact time..

Soon, Shayna arrived upstairs, went to her seat, and saw the breakfast Calvin had just put on her seat at a glance.

"Eh, Mr.Calvin brought it to you?"

A colleague who happened to be taking a stroll asked her.

"Well, maybe," Shayna replied.

Shayna nodded slightly, then slowly opened the breakfast in front of her colleague, and a charred poached egg appeared in front of her.

Seeing this, the two were instantly dumbfounded.

"This is, this..."

The stunned colleague said and smiled.

"Mr.Calvin looks so gentle and elegant, who would have thought that poached eggs made by him would not be well fried?"The colleague said in dismay.

Shayna felt so embarrassed by what her colleague said that she hurriedly put the lid on her breakfast.

"Mr Calvin can't be serious,"

Shayna remarked.

At this moment, Melissa passed by and happened to hear the conversation between the colleagues..She couldn't help laughing.She didn't expect that a shrewd person like Calvin couldn't even fry a poached egg.

Back in the office.

Melissa called Murray.

"Mr Calvin can't be serious,"

Shayna remarked.

At this moment, Melissa passed by and happened to hear the conversation between the colleagues..She couldn't help laughing.She didn't expect that a shrewd person like Calvin couldn't even fry a poached egg.

Back in the office, Melissa called Murray.

and Calvin yesterday, Melissa went back and told Murray about it, looking forward to Calvin's

day, Calvin already screwed

and screwed it

regret obvious in her tone,

are just hopeless.We have to think about how to make them friends

discussing how to

approaching, and looked up slowly, just in time to see that it was

are you doing

avoid Murray saying that she was working too hard again, she temporarily put

but she always felt a lump in my heart if she stayed

no choice

to see you," Murray

glanced at the papers on her desk out of the

documents again?" He


slowly heaved a deep sigh and

to do them,

put so much pressure on yourself," Murray said as he removed the


felt that something was wrong with Murray today, and had quickly stopped

The work would be handled.Take a break, I want to talk to

sit still as he watched the documents being

"About what?" Melissa asked.

She pouted angrily.

have to help you take care of your

was helpless, but he had to do what he had to

I know," Melissa

Murray was being more talkative than usual, and

do you want to tell

picked Melissa up and put her on

was so much lighter than before, that


as usual, but she still held Murray across his

care of yourself all the time, and you will pay more attention to

her palm above her mouth and appeared to

"Me? When?" She asked.

away from her mouth, as

wanted to cover her eyes with her hands, but

me," Murray

forced Melissa to look

I will take care of myself," Melissa said,

Murray said and stroked Melissa's head

a tour in the next two days," Murray

"Really?" Melissa asked.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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