Chapter 767 Please Respect Yourself

Melissa frowned.

"What are you doing here?" She asked Calvin.

She was not happy to see him there at all.


Calvin muttered.His words were a little choked up.

Seeing Shayna after thinking about her and missing her for such a long time, he couldn't control his emotions for a while.

Shayna rolled her eyes and leaned under, avoiding Calvin's outstretched hand.

"Mr.Calvin Burton, please respect yourself." Shayna said and barely lifted her eyebrows to look at him.

Seeing Shayna’s expression so unfeeling, Calvin seemed to be stabbed by thousands of knives in his heart.

"Shayna...don't do that," he muttered.

"You don't do this!"

Shayna belched angrily.

As soon as she said this, she gently went beside Melissa and held her, to continue to aid her from falling because of how weak she was.

"I’m going shopping with Meli, don’t bother us.Please, if you don’t mind,"

Shayna abruptly dismissed Calvin.

After that, she took Melissa’s hand and started to leave.

But Calvin still stopped them.

Shayna acted as if he didn't exist.

Since he wanted to be stubborn, he would only embarrass himself.She continued to walk away and did not break a muscle on her face to acknowledge Calvin..

Calvin caught up with them and stopped in front of them.

"Shayna, listen to me," he started to say.

Seeing Calvin coming around, the bodyguard behind Melissa was about to step forward, but Melissa stopped him.She wanted to find out what Calvin was up to.

"I, I really know I was wrong last time, I'm trying to repent, can you give me another chance?" Calvin asked.

He took advantage of the aura and the fact that he had forced his way into Shayna’s mind and put on a remorseful face.

"You, you let go..."

Calvin whimpered.

and wanted to shake her head in

a chance, and I promise, I will definitely work hard!" Calvin

around heard what Calvin was saying, but Calvin didn't care at all, he

situation was not right, Melissa hurriedly asked the bodyguards to

it might

up, let it

Calvin continued to say.

so that the onlookers could not see

out of

Melissa frowned and roared.

entertainer.What do you mean by pulling her on the street like this?" She

Calvin heard this,

ruined Shayna’s star career for his own selfish desires, she would never forgive

let go of her, Shayna heaved

in the shopping mall, and in an instant,

passers-by, only the three of

I'll go out and

that Calvin was superfluous, and was about to leave when

Meli, don’t

not allow Melissa

she stayed in a room alone with Calvin, he would drive her

need to..." Melissa said and pointed at the broken-up duo in front

"Fine," Melissa muttered.

continued to deliberately look weak in front

at the beginning, and you have

which, he slapped his

are you doing?"Shayna asked as her eyes widened, not expecting Calvin to do such a thing.If you don’t say you forgive me, I can’t

could not stand seeing Calvin

how Calvin found

had been silently tracking Shayna.Her demeanor, coupled with the fact that she was a celebrity made her

support office romance, because she felt it

do that,

bear to see Calvin looking

bad for me, don't you?" Calvin asked

Shayna’s arm, as his emotions began to get a

are you

to panic again, and Calvin, realizing that he had acted inappropriately, hurriedly dropped his

I didn’t mean to,"

looked at Shayna in

Shayna, I really miss you and I hope you'll forgive

Shayna so much that he

thinking about how nice it would be if I hadn't done something like

had already begun

Calvin's outlook, Shayna started to feel mushy and emotional towards

never seen Calvin like this,"

his eyes and looked at

Shayna blushed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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