Chapter 775 Find the door by myself

"He was the one that brought Megan.Without him, Megan would have no chance of approaching you," Murray said to Melissa.

Murray's brows were full of dissatisfaction.

If it weren't for Malcolm Clench, all this would not have happened..He was also blinded by Megan.

Melissa looked around, and realized that Megan had been arrested, so it was time to tell Malcolm Clench the truth.

"Now that he suddenly disappeared, could it be related to Megan?"

Melissa asked, and another sudden pain in her shoulder made her tremble.

Melissa sighed.

Murray realized that something was wrong and hurriedly ripped the clothes off Melissa's back, only to see scars on her smooth skin.

Murray frowned, his eyes were filled with distress.

"I'll go and find her now," Murray said, speaking of Letica Boyd.

Unexpectedly, Leticia Boyd hurt Melissa like this.

Before, when she kidnapped Melissa, Murray didn't have time to go after her, but now, she had gone too far..

"Now is not the time to say that," Melissa said, and shook her head.

However, Letica Boyd had to be severely punished.

Seeing that Melissa's injury was not right, Murray let out a deep breath, sat down beside Melissa again, picked up the medicine box, and wiped gently on Melissa's back.

There was still some pain, but Melissa could bear it, and Murray's movements were very gentle.

Murray took a cotton swab, dipped a little disinfectant on it, and dabbed it on Melissa's back.

Soon, Melissa took a deep breath, as she started to feel less pain.

Murray's movements were so soft, obviously he had learned to control the pressure before.

Thinking of this, she smiled at Murray.

"Comrade police, we still have one more person likely on the run, please come with us to find him," Melissa said.

up and spoke the local colloquialism to the

no small matter and he had to

were a little surprised, not expecting that

They nodded.

the police replied.they all went

Malcolm Clench suddenly realized that everyone around

other tourists

was blowing in his ears, and Malcolm

looked around, but there

higher the mountain,

the endless mountain road ahead, and fell

what was going

he had known, he wouldn't have been in

Clench stomped his foot, and the next second, a few pebbles

was unable

a while, Malcolm

to have vaguely heard Murray calling him just now, but he didn't pay much attention to it as he

saw that

moment, Malcolm Clench couldn't help

place to sit down, took out a bottle of water from his backpack,

was on his

body, she can't stand

he drank half of a bottle of

he was a little unwilling to go back

were some people living on the

to go up and

thought in mind, Malcolm Clench bravely

resting for a while, his physical strength had recovered a

Malcolm Clench vaguely felt


a day, his body

getting darker, and Malcolm Clench

mountain at night, and now he was alone, he was afraid that

thinking of what to do, Malcolm Clench turned around and saw a snake approaching him.He subconsciously took a few steps back, but

Clench picked up a few stones from the ground

make the snake back away, but

was about to attack Malcolm Clench, a

a man slammed it down with an iron rod, and the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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