Chapter 776 Gossip

Melissa sat helplessly and said, reassuringly, "It’s okay.It’s okay."

Murray sat silently on the side.

His eyes widened after seeing Malcolm's hand on Melissa's shoulder.

Malcolm realized he was acting too aggressively and awkwardly cleared his throat as he attempted to calm himself again.

"Thank you again," Melissa said again.

Fortunately for her, they were very hospitable and brought her food.

Soon, Malcom realized that something was wrong.

"What about Megan?" he asked.

Hearing Megan's name made Melissa tense.She still had wounds on her hands from Megan's attack.

Melissa didn’t know if Malcolm would believe her if she told him about it.But she was Malcolm’s sister, and he still loved and trusted her.

The situation had gotten to where Melissa couldn't hide this from him anymore.

"Malcolm, look," Melissa held up her tightly bandaged arm in front of Malcolm.

Malcolm looked at her with a confused expression and said, "What? I know your arm is injured."

"Ms.Gibson did this to me.Megan caused this injury," Melissa explained.

Hearing this, Malcolm froze and looked at Melissa in disbelief.

"Megan, how could she do this?"

Malcolm couldn't believe that Megan could do this, but if Melissa said it was her, it had to be the truth.

How could she attack his helpless sister? "It is fortunate that you, Malcom Clench, can understand the language here; otherwise, we would not have known how to communicate with you about what happened to your sister last night," the police officer explained.

"Well, it was her," Melissa continued.

Leticia Boyd.If Murray hadn't come to save me, I would have

a hard time believing that she would try to

the one who wanted to hurt you

Melissa nodded, and then looked at the several

already been arrested.If you don't believe me, you can go

no hostility toward you," Malcolm

bad for

night, Megan tried to seduce

could not be

at Melissa for a moment before he turned his

Is what Melissa

is true," one of the police officers said, and Malcolm bowed his head in

could only blame himself for this and for not

to accept the fact that his girlfriend tried to kill his sister and attempted

they paid the hotel for their stay and said goodbye to

be good to stay any

would need to return to China for treatment as soon as

though Melissa didn’t want to, she was forced

who was also in no mood to continue traveling because

wound was treated in

returning to the U.S., the wound was no longer open and had scabbed over,

ointment to Melissa every day, and after

going on with

the bed, she changed her position to lie on her side, but the pain in her


had happened not long

"Ah, this hurts!"

brow furrowed when the unrelieved abdominal pain

happen, she

about the baby in her belly, Nina decided to

Harley's number, but hesitated to call.What if he is busy

her forehead, Nina felt cold for no

as possible, she tried to take deep breaths to relax

slowly eased and the tightness she felt in her belly was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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