Chapter 777 What If I'm Pregnant

"So what if you're pregnant? It means nothing," Sylvia sneered dismissively and continued to taunt Nina.

"Besides, are you really pregnant with Harley's baby? Or are you trying to pawn off another man’s baby?"

"Watch your mouth!"

Because of physical discomfort, Nina was more irritable than normal and could not handle much more of Sylvia’s taunting.

Although Sylvia couldn't harm Nina, but with personal attacks, she might cause Nina enough turmoil to cause her to miscarry.

Thinking of this, Sylvia intensified her attacks.

"Because of your reaction, it must be true."

Sylvia's disdainful words continued, "Do you not feel ashamed that you lied to Harley to keep him by your side? If not, I feel ashamed for you!"

Nina's hand was trembling violently with anger as she wanted to curse Sylvia out.

The audacity of Sylvia to speak to her in this way.

However, the thought of Harley handing his phone to Sylvia to let her say whatever she wanted made Nina feel powerless.

After thoroughly insulting Nina, Sylvia felt overjoyed.She sneered at the phone and continued to mock her.

"Nina just leave Harley.It's in everyone's best interest.Or you can live as a divorcee once he realizes that you're carrying a bastard.Seriously, how could you think he loved you? He loves me, not you!"

Nina, startled by Sylvia's words, snapped, "Shut up!"

Sylvia couldn't stop laughing, and the fact that she was making Nina upset made her even happier.

"Clearly, you refuse to accept reality."

Sylvia's tone was casual as she continued, "Harley will dump you, eventually.

Whether you leave with your dignity intact or wait to be an abandoned, is up to you.


and hung up

in anger as she thought

telling the truth with how much venom

to have

still made little

another slight pain in her

could have a serious effect

Nina would force herself

decided to go outside

pain had not subsided, she

on a jacket, Nina cautiously descended the

Harley's mother, was seated on the sofa in the living room, eating fruit

and saw her

Carlee was strained, they still greeted each

going for a

give birth soon and you're still running around.What are you going to

to recall when or why

longer before turning

"Nevermind," she muttered.

bit her lip as she processed his

it was better to leave the villa saying nothing

bathed in a warm glow as the sun's rays

array of auburn and purple

street.Her stomach pain was

knowing, Nina had walked a

evening breeze was comfortable, and Nina's annoyance

want to go home, even though it

with Sylvia, Nina’s heart couldn't

just wanted to stay

people were out and

spending the night outside, Nina felt sleepy and noticed that she could feel her

you tired too?" Nina muttered to herself as she stopped walking to rub her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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