Chapter 781 Something Happened

So, something had happened to Calvin.This was not good.It's like he vanished off the face of the earth, Melissa thought.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the company while Calvin was missing; otherwise, Melissa didn’t know how many things would've been messed up.

After not hearing from Calvin for another 48 hours, Melissa decided to take Shayna with her as she went to Calvin's house..

"Is there something going on with him?" Shayna asked on the way, and even Shayna realized something was wrong.

"Calvin stopped sending me update reports for over two days now while I was away.At first, I thought he was too busy, but seeing that he has been missing for over 48 hours, I think something may have happened to him."

Melissa gritted her teeth, hoping that Calvin was okay.He was the director of the company.

If something happened to him, then the company would have problems too.

Soon, they arrived at Calvin's house.

The two hurried to open the gate and walked up the driveway, to the front door where Melissa began ringing the doorbell.

No one came to open the door and Melissa continued ringing the doorbell.

Shayna’s eyes began to water as she said in a panic, "Oh my goodness.Do you think think something really did happen to him?"

"We don't know that yet.Just stay calm,"

"Melissa reassured Shayna as she looked around for a spare key.She found it under the welcome mat and hurriedly opened the door.

As soon as they entered the house, , they were met by a strong scent of liquor.

Their noses wrinkled at the offensive smell.The house floor was littered with wine bottles.

The two carefully stepped over bottles as they searched every corner of the house, but they still couldn't find Calvin.

"Looks like he’s not at home either..." Melissa frowned.

In desperation, they returned to the company.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the company, several employees rushed them in a panic.

"What happened?" Melissa asked.

telling Melissa that something very wrong had happened with the

to Supervisor Mr.Burton!" her

"Where is he?"

Melissa asked almost at

employee handed Melissa a

"Star Entertainment Director Calvin Suspected of Drug

possible? This can't

through gritted

few days ago! How could someone

their disbelief, but Melissa

She said in an attempt to

to believe

to figure out what was going

Twitter, and began to scrutinize the tweet.She clicked


group of drug traffickers at the

was Star Entertainment

locating and

The investigation is ongoing.

as she

read the article and hurried into Melissa's

drug user?" Shayna asked in disbelief

on a supposed client list is not concrete evidence.I firmly believe

know Calvin.He would have

and introverted, loudly proclaimed that


that for sure, but that is what I want to

tried calling Calvin a few more times,

in service which increased Melissa’s

immediately and get a handle on the press

, I will notify you immediately," Melissa

this matter.The news article mentions the company's name.We have to move fast to salvage the company’s

and returned

work at all. She couldn't focus and

was finally calming down, she received

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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