Chapter 782 The reporter without bottom line

The woman shouted loudly as she struggled against the security guards, but they held her in place.

"What kind of person are you to harass a woman in broad daylight?" the woman exclaimed.

"I have no ill intentions toward you.I came here to have a good talk with you and get some information," Melissa responded calmly, waving her hand.

The security guard let go of the woman and backed up.He was still close enough if he needed to catch her again if she tried to run.

"Let’s go to a more private setting.We don’t need anyone eavesdropping on our conversation," Melissa said firmly.

Her tone was stern meaning that she was not asking, but telling.

The woman swallowed hard, knowing that she had no other choice but to follow Melissa.

Melissa led her to a coffee shop in the same office building.

"Where did you find this video?" Melissa asked, showing the video of the supposed Calvin smoking.

The woman hesitated to speak and just stared at Melissa.

"Please think carefully.This is a serious matter that I am trying to resolve without getting lawyers involved, but if you don't tell me, I'm going to have to and charge you with defamation and slander," Melissa said coldly.

As expected, the woman paled and trembled slightly in fear.

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, no, of course not.I am just discussing the matter with you.Woman to woman," Melissa said.

"But, if causing bodily harm will sway you to speak, I can make that happen," she whispered low enough for only the woman could hear.

The woman, obviously frightened, picked up the phone to show that the page she originally got the video was no longer available.

"The video was sent to me via an e-mail, but the e-mail is no longer in my inbox.I don’t have the source anymore."

Something didn't sit right with Melissa.

The woman gave up the information too quickly.

This woman was hiding something.

Melissa rubbed her temples and asked, "Where's Calvin Burton?"

Hearing this question, the woman laughed instead.

"Wait, wait.You're with the company with the missing drug addict employee.You must be Ms.Eugen right?" the woman asked.

As soon as she finished speaking, the security guards left the coffee shop.

Melissa didn’t bother to respond.

waste of time.She would have to find Calvin on

the woman

back to her office, Melissa checked her phone again and Calvin still had not responded

unexpectedly, there was

Entertainment Melissa Eugen Seen


just spoke with. and clicked in to see that it was

of her security guards bringing her back from trying

Melissa with a stern

had no sound, it looked as

lip as she pondered over

her opponent had outsmarted

doing this was hellbent on

have to be even more careful now and

called the security department and asked them to

footage was leaked, but we

The security captain explained.

and said,

company, on the road, and the lobby where the security

had to be someone else there watching everything

"Ms.Eugen,I've found something."

said as he pointed at an unfamiliar woman on the screen, The woman had a camera in her hand as

sedan remained parked in the same spot.It appeared

small smile when she realized that everything made sense

glanced at the caller ID before sending

search on the license plate and find out

Every minute counted.

they lost was time the adversary could have been planning another attack on them.Melissa shut herself up in her room all night and kept staring at the tweets that were now

had not decreased but had increased as time

as more people commented

was going, if Calvin was not found, she would be next to be harassed and criticized


cup of tea.He was worried about Melissa because all she did when she got home was stalk social

leave it alone for tonight.Staring at it isn't going to make you feel any better," Murray said gently as he offered her a cup of chamomile

time to investigate.You'll get to the

he was; however, reading the tabloids was a good way to have high blood pressure and be up all

out to the Public Relations department to remove the tweet, but it keeps reappearing," Melissa

scolded the department for taking so long to remove the

delayed response, it had

who is

arms and stroked

know, but..." Melissa’s

anything been

over this will not help.It’s better to rest now.You have to keep a level head.Shayna is going to need your

stopped frowning

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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