Chapter 784 I never touched her

After hearing what Harley had to say, Sylvia said nothing but rolled her eyes.

If Sylvia spoke, it would only intensify Harley's anger toward her.

After a moment of silence, Sylvia said disapprovingly, "Are you done? Can I go?"

Harley sneered at Sylvia. He had wasted enough time on her and turned to leave to go back to see Nina.

Asshole, Sylvia muttered.

Harley prepared to enter Nina's room when he heard a thud behind him. He turned around to find Sylvia unconscious on the floor.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

Harley was a little stunned and didn't know what was going on.

He hurried intoNina's room, and the doctor immediately stopped examining Nina when he heard that Sylvia was unconscious in the corridor.

On the same day, the doctor advised Nina to stay in the hospital for two more days for observation. Her mood was not stable enough, and it frequently affected the fetus, which was the biggest problem at present.

As for Sylvia, she was wheeled into the emergency room by two nurses.

About an hour later, the doctor walked into Nina's room.

But this time he didn't come to see the physical condition of Nina.

Seeing Harley with Nina, the doctor motioned him to take a step into the corridor to speak.

Harley stepped outside with the doctor and followed him over to the window.

The doctor lowered his voice and informed in a gentle voice, "Mr. Timothy, the woman has woken up. She is in the room next door, but..."

“But what?"

words, Harley didn't care about what happened to Sylvia. She was none of his concern.

she was in the ER,, we found out that she is pregnant, and the fetus is less than seven weeks

understand why the doctor was informing him of

doctor was implying, and asked calmly, “Why did you tell me

fact, Harley’ assumed that the child in Sylvia's belly

the doctor were not related in anyway,

was feigning ignorance, the doctor changed his words and suggested, "Do you want to go see

go, and he would have

more worried about Nina. Harley didn't want Nina to find out about Sylvia's

check on her. Thank you,” Harley said and went to Sylvia's

Sylvia told him he could enter.

looked at Sylvia's ill appearance and

from me?"

Harley would change his attitude after hearing about the pregnancy, but instead he was even more,

didn't expect this kind of accident to happen. I was surprised when the doctor said I

wanted to negotiate with Sylvia to

of them

Sylvia would act like she normally did and cause a scene if she didn't get the

on the hospital bed couldn't

should I

herself as a weak woman, helpless and

could get some sympathy

she planned, and Harley didn't know how to speak, and was afraid that Nina

it out for yourself. Money is not a problem. You should


didn't expect to receive such a response. Sylvia had not expected him to say this.

went back to Nina’s room and could see

for a few seconds at the door of Nina’s room, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable. He opened the door and walked over to her, trying

out for a long

for a moment, thinking about what to say. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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