Chapter 785 Don't pester me

Suddenly he took a few steps and rushed to the side of the hospital bed, knelt down in front of Nina, and grabbed her hand inapanic: "Listen to me, I know myself very well, even if alcohol can make people promiscuous, but I..."

"Enough! You don't have to explain that much."

Nina didn't want to listen to his lies, so he pulled out his hand and refused indifferently: "From now on, there is no relationship between us, and I will raise my child by myself."

She knew that her statement was far from persuading Harley, so she immediately pressed the red help button on the remote on the side of her bed.

Soon, a nurse entered the room and Nina said, "Make him leave." As instructed by Nina, the nurse led Harley out of her room.

At the same moment, Sylvia was lying alone in her hospital bed when she heard Harley and the nurse arguing in the hallway.

Although she felt abandoned now, she didn't feel miserable for long. If Harley didn't want this baby, that didn't mean his family didn't want the baby?

Sylvia wasn't actually pregnant. She bribed the doctor into deceiving Harley. All she needed was a little time to make it believable and eventually Harley would come to her.

When Harley left the hospital, she took out her phone from under her pillow and quickly found Carlee's phone number from her address book.

At this time, Carlee was complaining to the servants at home, accusing them of not doing things seriously, and complaining that her son had been away from home in recent days.

Carlee didn't like Nina in the first place, and now that she was in the hospital and out of his sight, she was overjoyed.

"It's said that raising children would keep me young, but I don't see that with my son's poor choice of women,"

Carlee said. He didn't like anyone at the moment. Seeing that the servant didn't clean the cabinet carefully, she scolded her again.

Just then, the phone on the coffee table rang.

Carlee glared at the servants before looking at her phone, surprised to see that it was Sylvia calling.

"Sylvia, it is good to hear from you. Why don't you come over? We haven't talked in a while."

talk to Sylvia about her dissatisfaction, so he invited

well in this scene,

the hospital and I'm afraid I won't be able

words, Carlee was puzzled, "What's

and the doctor

speak about the pregnancy, Carlee

in the hospital,

Carlee said.

it would definitely be a

was bored in her

was playing with her phone to kill time,

"Knock! Knock!"

dreaming, there were a few short knocks

walked in with a fruit

Carlee entered the room. She would have to play it up to Carlee

Timothy, why are you here so late?"

Sylvia's status and

got straight to the

Please don't be

to ear as

Sylvia's bed.

It does look

shy look, and her heart was more

Timothy, I want to be honest with you. Harley is the father, but it doesn't seem like he’s ready

Sylvia confessed.

will accept you into the family and we will help you take care of the next generation of the Timothy family. As

was firm and confident as she declared that

her, it did not prevent her

CarleeF, Sylvia planned to use this opportunity to make sure

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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