Chapter 786 Men are unreliable

"Nina! I'm just trying to help you! Even if you don't want to be with me anymore, that's fine.But think of the baby!" Harley said.

"Your physical condition is still fragile, so come home with me to rest for two days.You can leave when everything is fine.I will not stop you after that!"

If Harley got Nina home first, he could use the, time to investigate whether Sylvia's pregnancy had anything to do with him.

"You speak so nicely!" Nina snorted.

With what she knew about Harley, as long as she returned to that villa, Harley would definitely try to find excuses and not let her leave for various reasons.

"No, I can go back to my home to raise the baby.My parents will helo me take care of the baby, so I don't need your concern," Nina said.

Harley had absolutely no way to deal with Nina’s stubbornness.

Seeing her walking towards the elevator, Harley wanted to give up, but after some thought, he chased after her again.

The two came out of the elevator at the same time, and Nina deliberately ignored him and hurried out of the hospital.

Standing on the side of the road, she looked at the approaching taxi, and was about to wave, but was blocked by Harley's car.

Immediately, Nina was in a state of panic, and angrily said, "You asshole, get out of the way.Stay away from me."

Harley did not give in, opened the passenger's door and begged, "Honey, get in the car first;if you don't want to go back with me, I can take you to your parents’ house."

"Thank you, but I can take a taxi by myself!"

Nina bypassed his car and tried to call for the next taxi.

Harley turned off the car and jumped out to accompany Nina.

This move made startled Nina and asked suspiciously, "What game are you playing?""

Harley did not answer, and began blocking Nina from calling for a car.

missing several taxis in

have just called a Lyft or an Uber, but now she was stuck at the

Forget it.

will just walk, Nina thought as she began walking up the

Nina leisurely jingling his

distance, Nina couldn't take it anymore and yelled,

hands on his chest, hoping that he would

and continued to negotiate, "I can let you

asked tentatively: "Really? You're just taking me home.You won't lie to

swear.You doubt my

Harley nodded firmly.

Nina frowned.

days, Harley had the audacity to question

That was ridiculous.


his character.She already doubted almost everything he told

you serious? After everything that has been revealed in the past few

as she continued walking along the sidewalk..When she didn't hear the jingling of car keys,

though Nina couldn't forgive Harley, she still loved

thought to

Nina was somewhat disappointed.

between Harley and Sylvia behind her back, Nina wouldn't go

Nina came to


get in the

gentle voice of Harley floated from the car behind

Harley just went back to pick up the car! In an instant, Nina felt disgusted that she even felt an ounce of guilt for potentially hurting his feelings.He didn't deserve kindness.He didn't deserve anything from

"Nina, trust me please!"

I am keeping you from leaving at any point, you can call the police at any

wanted to be separated from Harley, a ride

I hope you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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