Chapter 788 Finding Calvin

Shayna was utterly helpless, staring at the reporter viciously, "You're so mean."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Then, without waiting for Shayna to agree, the reporter took her cell phone and microphone from Shayna’'s bag.The reporter looked at the recorder carefully and suddenly fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?"

Shayna was exasperated.

"You're a household name.So why are you still using your phone?"

The reporter deleted the recordings from her phone and put them back in her purse.

"Okay, well, I'll get back to you on that request,"

The reporter said smugly and left.

Shayna swore to herself and drank all her tea, and sourness and bitterness spread in her throat.

Melissa and Murray came to the company and went straight to security.

They have a clue to the license plate number of the black car they are investigating.

As a result, they believed they would be able to track down Calvin.

"How's it going?" Melissa asked quickly as soon as he entered.

"We have already found out the owner of the black sedan and found her address."

As expected, the people in Melissa's company were diligent and worked quickly to redeem themselves from the last slip up.

"Now that we have found the address, can we find it ourselves?"

At this time, she still hoped to find it herself so as not to bring too much attention.

worry; I'll look for myself first, and

her beside

time, Shayna also came to the company and

came, and Shayna told Melissa

uncouth.Therefore, we must be

reporters have no moral bottom

various entertainment companies has always been

entertainers in his company leave a path for

other people become too

Murray said before heading out to the parking

and took Shayna


be good to go together, so no one else goes missing,"

three of them drove directly to the

was an abandoned factory building

have come to

that Calvin indeed

and became even more anxious

kidnapped by several people? They came

had been here

here.The kidnappers may have just left.We need to search the factory..You will follow me.You two should run quickly and contact the police if

them walked into the factory building.It had three floors, and

and found no clues, then went up to

third floor.But, when they were about to go to the third

think I heard something!" Melissa

direction of the voice and found a small

and Shayna.He kicked the door down and sure enough

"Release him now!"

said as he watched

stepped forward

burst into tears as

"You're finally here.Thank goodness,"

cry, the most

saw the black sedan and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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